Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've hit the wall

I've hit the wall

I decided three months ago to set a deadline for a minimum gain of 1/16”. Today is/was the day and the gain did not materialize. And yes I have stocked my refrigerator with beer and I am slowly easing the pain my brothas.

Without going into a lengthy discussion of all the things I have tried (they are here on the forum) to coax further gains let me say that this is not a farewell and I am not giving up.

I just want to take stock at this point and share some feelings about PE and the brotherhood created by the members of this forum.

My goal with PE has always been to experience incredible intimacy with my wife. All the other areas of our relationship are fabulous so having a very hot love-life is icing on the cake. The most important thing that I have gained through PE has been the confidence that I can bring the woman of my dreams to her sexual nirvana. By this measure PE has been a very rewarding endeavor. I am sure that Freud would have found some issues worth discussing with me so I will also say that handling my erect cock rates a very close second.

The vast majority of the members here at Thunders Place are polite, intelligent, supportive, motivated, sincere, and all good things. I cannot help but notice that most of the people here are very similar in personality (at least from what one can discern through writing). I cannot tell you how much I look forward to checking up with all of you and sharing whatever information I can.

I plan to take a minimum of a 6 month deconditioning break from hanging.




Well its nice that you have such fine thought about the whole membership at Thunders Place, don’t foget we’ll still be here.

Starting Stats 7/15/05 -- Flaccid L 3.375"x Flaccid G 2.125", BPEL 5.250" x EG 3.750"

Stats as of 11/17/07-- Flaccid L 6.000"x Flaccid G 5.6875", BPEL 8.000" x EG 6.125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL 9.000"x EG 6.500" Dusty

Hope the rest works out for you.

Has anyone tried cortisone shots along the major ligament to soften it up and make the stretching easier? I’m aware a reputable doctor isn’t going to help. But has anyone tried this at home?

Thanks guys,
The cortizone and/or prolotherapy ideas have crossed my mind. Yep man8worm, what doctor would do it?

My ligaments are now very prominent. I can pinch and follow them almost all the way to my glans and they are tough. I can’t hurt them by squeezing them between my fingers. While hanging, my tunica does not deform when I push hard perpendicular to it. At least I know what has happened to bring my gains to a halt.

I don’t know if a deconditioning break will work. I took a three month break over the summer followed by at least 3 months of high quality hanging. I had very little new length growth. I did gain some flaccid length and some erect girth. I plan to continue manual stretching and using an ADS. I also pump and clamp but at the level I do these it may only provide temporary gains.

At the beginning of 2005 my mantra was “7 by summer”. At the beginning of summer I thought I was there but I had to take a break to take care of a major home improvement project. When I returned to PE after the summer I had lost a little but it came back with a lot of work. I did not record 7 until I felt that it was real and cemented. Maybe taking the break worked against me by letting things heal stronger. Oh well, water over the dam.

One of the benefits of hitting the wall is that you know that you gave it your best shot.


Originally Posted by sheLovesIt
I had to take a break to take care of a major home improvement project. When I returned to PE after the summer I had lost a little but it came back with a lot of work. I did not record 7 until I felt that it was real and cemented. Maybe taking the break worked against me by letting things heal stronger. Oh well, water over the dam.

If you think that the break worked against you, why would you want to take another break? I don’t know, but I am the kind of person who can’t take a break. The whole time I would obsess over where my gains could be going when I was wasting perfectly good hanging time. I would think "I should be hanging. I should be hanging. I should be hanging…"
How long did you hang and at what weight? You might want to read this post- it is kind of relevant, I think. I hung for almost a year with nothing to show for it.
I’m back, Baby!

Some guys lift weights, I hang 'em!

Good questions. I have been hanging for over three years with around three major breaks in that time. My newbie (stretch and jelq) gains were 3/4” and my hanging gains were 1/2”. My weight varied depending on angle but I ranged between 15 and 22 in 2005.

In setting my deadline I had to evaluate how important having a little bit bigger cock is to me. And I know this may sound like PE blasphemy but I can accept it if I do not gain anymore. Yep, if you see Lexington Steele or Mandingo tell them that sheLovesIt won’t be stealing any roles from them.

My penis is 7 X 5 3/4. Because I am 5’ 6”, 160 lbs my penis looks big on me, IMO.

I appreciate your post and I agree, from my experiences upon recollection, breaks may have worked against me. Breaks allow the tissues to finally heal and consequently become more resistant to microtears. I didn’t know this or think of it when I took my breaks.

With hanging there is a point of diminishing returns because some level of healing is always taking place. I think that I have experienced that point or a point where the effort exceeds the benefits. I tried a shock treatment (22+ lbs) which resulted in losses which I feared could have cemented. I tried multiple angles (in the same work-out) and fulcrum hanging combined with multiple-angles. Recently I have dealt with retraction and not being able to wear my ADS without abrasion around the coronal ridge. I have a fully functional penis at this point and it would be foolish for me to risk that for another 1/8”.

The human body was engineered by a force greater than our minds can conceive. Survival at the cellular level is fundamental to its design. PE puts the penis tissues in this survival mode. These tissues may lose a few battles but they will win the war or die trying.

There are also several personal issues contributing to my taking a break at this point. These are long winded and probably not very interesting.

Good luck and continued gains


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