Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've just started hanging 3 days ago

Hi guys, got a little question!
I’ve just started hanging 3 days ago with 1.1lbs and I have done 4 sets today. How many sets can I maximum do with that weight a day? Cause I got all time in the world.

// Raverfox

Originally Posted by raverfox
Hi guys, got a little question!
I’ve just started hanging 3 days ago with 1.1lbs and I have done 4 sets today. How many sets can I maximum do with that weight a day? Cause I got all time in the world.

// Raverfox

Most max recommendations I’ve seen is no more than 7-8 20min sets a day. But whatever your max time allotment is, work up to that by adding 1-2 sets a day per week (ex. Week 1 = 4 sets/day, Week 2 = 5 sets/day, etc). Once you hit your max number of sets, THEN start increasing weight SLOWLY, once per week until you start to reach fatigue. Most guys can safely start hanging at 2.5-5lbs, so you may be able to up your weight now but be careful and listen to your dick.

Keep reading as much as you can about hanging. This site has TONS of great info on hanging, but also check out Bib’s forum (google “bib hanger” to find his site). That’s all about hanging and you can find a plethora of useful information there as well.

Once you’re done reading, go back and read some more!

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!

I have hung with 5 to 7 pounds while seated and gained 1/8”.

I occasionally do a standing set with 10 pounds if my ligaments are not fatigued enough, and I never take days off.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by flimflam
Most max recommendations I’ve seen is no more than 7-8 20min sets a day. But whatever your max time allotment is, work up to that by adding 1-2 sets a day per week (ex. Week 1 = 4 sets/day, Week 2 = 5 sets/day, etc). Once you hit your max number of sets, THEN start increasing weight SLOWLY, once per week until you start to reach fatigue. Most guys can safely start hanging at 2.5-5lbs, so you may be able to up your weight now but be careful and listen to your dick.

Keep reading as much as you can about hanging. This site has TONS of great info on hanging, but also check out Bib’s forum (google “bib hanger” to find his site). That’s all about hanging and you can find a plethora of useful information there as well.

Once you’re done reading, go back and read some more!

2012-07-24 80 jelqs + Bib hanger 2x5minx0.5kg BTC
2012-07-25 80 jelqs + Bib hanger 2x5minx0.5kg + 1x10minx0.5kg BTC
2012-07-26 Bib hanger 2x5minx0.5kg + 2x10minx0.5kg BTC
2012-07-27 90 jelqs + Bib hanger 6x10x0,5kg BTC
2012-07-28 90 jelqs + Bib hanger 4x10x0,5kg BTC 3x10x1kg BTC

This is how far I got with the hanger involved and today I felt my unit much larger then usual after my jelqs and much hanging. My unit is pretty thin so it feels like it can’t take much weight which is nice, girth I want after my length goals. Great then I can do as many sets per day as I can with 1.1-2lbs because the weight is really low and it feels good, many people say listen to your dick and that’s what I’m doing! I’m gonna stay on this weight atleast two weeks. You guys think this sounds good?

As you say I’ve read a lot about hanging and all what’s it about and will continue doing so. The only problem I see right now is my weak ass hanger. I’m not very crafty and my home made bib hanger starts slipping at really low weights. Any recommendations on what to do? For future note I’m thinking about buying Bib hanger.

Sorry about all the questions, you guys don’t have to answer so many :)

// Raverfox

You can start out with 20 minute sets right off the bat if you want. Since you’re at such a low weight there’s really no need to limit sets to 5-10min unless you’re starting to feel pain, in which case you’ll need to fix something. You’d be surprised at how much weight your unit can take, but don’t push it.

Your slipping hanger is going to be a huge problem as you start to move up in weight. Why not try constructing a Captains Wench? I used it (search this site for info on how to make one) for a few months. It was cheap, simple and a great introduction to hanging, but the main problem is lack of gripping power at higher weights (12lbs +). I don’t know if you’ll be able to find all the needed parts in Sweden though, but I guess that’s what Amazon is for!

I now hang with a Bib Starter and the difference is quite apparent. Also, the devices are VERY different from one another. The Wench is easy to use and requires minimal adjustments. The Bib is pretty tough to figure out at first, but after about a month of hanging I all but mastered the different possible settings. You have to be quite dedicated when using a Bib because your patience WILL be tested that first month or two, but reading this forum and Bib’s site will give you the knowledge you need to get through almost any problem you encounter.

Despite all the initial challenges, once you feel that powerful grip on your unit and the fatigue in your ligaments you’ll never go back to another hanger.

Started hanging on 3/28/12 after minimal gains on the newbie routine. Still not discouraged! This game is 99.9% mental. Stick with it, gents.

After 1 month of hanging 5-6lbs BTC: 1/4" gain in BPEL and BPFSL!


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