Joined the club
Well, today was my first day hanging. Quite interesting. For the first time, I think I did pretty well. I tried to read on the topic before hand, but it still doesn’t quite prepare you.
I am using a BIB and the only thing I noticed was the skin on the top of the penis is getting pinched when I tighten it down. I was wrapped, but i can/still felt the pinch. I think i will re-read some of the old threads and also experiment a little.
Funny, since I have been pulling my penis for over a year now, i thought I could handle the weight no problem. I started at 10lbs and I struggled with doing 2 ten minute sets. I guess hanging does put a nice, constant stretch on the penis.
Start: EL: 5.8" EG: 4.8" Current: EL: Approx 7.0" EG: 5.7"