Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just ordered my Bib Starter

Just ordered my Bib Starter

Glad to hear the Bib’s are back in business. Just ordered my Bib Starter and
I am looking forward to hanging. I have been hanging with a home-made
device designed after the “Enlargement Strap” but it will only hold
about 3 pounds BTC.

I am pretty much a regular in the Pumpers Forum, now I am
looking forward to learning from the “Hangers”






I ordered one too! Can’t wait! Too bad I’m in Philly from 9/19-9/28 and had to have bib hold off on the shipping of it. I hate waiting!! :(

Working on getting ABSURDLY thick - Latest picture - Late 2010

Bib hanger's are back, yeah!

The Bib hanger is worth the wait. Had mine for just a week but am impressed with the comfort and precision of adjustments. Can’t wait to start getting results. I know it’s a gradual process and takes a long term commitment. Bring it on!

Later . . LS

Got mine in!!! Received the email of shipment last Friday and it came in last Tues.
I have gotten one good day in since due to that bitch Isabel(I live close to the NC coast)
and all I can say is AWESOME. I am really impressed with the design. I am 100% sure
I could have never made something this comfy myself. Now, I just need to go buy some
more weights!!!


Keep working, keep learning


Be Careful

The Bib is a fantastic tool. I will be forever indebted to Bigger for inventing it. If it weren’t for him, I would still have a 5 inch penis instead of the 8+ that I have now.

However, you need to be careful with the amount of weight that you use. Start low and work up slowly (over months - not days). Also, be cautious that you penis head does not twist in the hanger. That could lead to possible nerve damage.

Be careful - read - learn.

Then use the Bib to grow a big one!

Happy hanging.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

If you have a low LOT, is it worth it to try hanging? Most people hang downwards, right? Isn’t that the easiest and most widely used way to hang?

Becoming.... Godsize

If your lot blows, it is best to hang to hit that tunica. You can do this via certain angles. I think hanging is the best source of how to do that with a more controlled and accurate version than stretching. I mean weights don’t cramp up like your hands when stretching, so your almost always getting that constant pull of x pounds at a OTS stretch.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

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