>Question, is a lig pop a positive thing that one should look forward to, the outcome being, better gains, a gain every time you have one? <
First, I was lucky enough to get a goodly amount of gains. I was gaining and lig popping quite often. I associated the lig pops with gains, but that is not the way to look at it, as has been pointed out. Some guys have them and gain a lot. And some guys don’t have them much and gain. I have not seen a strong corellation between lig pops and gains within the hanging population.
>Bib, have you experienced a lig pop in your time of hanging, and did you see dramatic gains from this?<
Many of them, and I saw dramatic gains most of the time. But as above, I cannot say the pops were a true gauge of gains to come.
>Should any type of lig popping be avoided, and do you experience this from hanging with too much weight?<
No, they are not to be avoided. The first couple might surprise and even worry you, but then you will become accustomed and not think about it after a while. Also, I do not think the amount of weight has much if anything to do with it.