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Lig Pop, Positive or Negative......

Lig Pop, Positive or Negative......


I`ve asked this question in the Hangers feedback Thread, although I haven`t had a response yet…

Question, is a lig pop a positive thing that one should look forward to, the outcome being, better gains, a gain every time you have one?

Bib, have you experienced a lig pop in your time of hanging, and did you see dramatic gains from this?

Should any type of lig popping be avoided, and do you experience this from hanging with too much weight?

Gettin Bigger

I am aware that this issue has ben raised before. But I am with big-kiwi. Since I am pulling a lot and on a regular basis recently (2 sessions per day), mainly down wards (Yes, teoman!!) and between the cheeks, I experience lig pops one to two times per week now. I had one this morning and as I sit here I can say that near the inner penis it feels different than after non-pop sessions. It’s, I don’t know the English expression - it feels “flau” (German)… my dictionary tells me “slack”, but that’s not the word, I guess. blablabla…

The point is, there was one theory that the pop results from an air bubble in the joints or so, but since I have this traumatized feeling continuing for at least an hour after the pop I guess it’s not comparable to that knuckle cracking…

Any ideas, my beloved PE friends? :confused:

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

It is common. Nothing to get your panties all riled up over. All is fine. The noise is very similair to cracking one’s own knuckles. Nothing to be scared of. It is just a weird experience, cause you never thought you could make cracking noises from playing with your dick. But alas the human body is a music machine to be discovered and enjoyed.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


You say you have had quite alot of lig pops, have you noticed dramatic length gains when you have these?

Gettin Bigger


Sorry, I guess I was not communicating well. I have not hung in quite a while due to living conditions and a psychotic schedule. I have read in here, where people who experience them only in a positive or neutral way. I never really heard them expressed in a bad way, well not that I can remember.

I think it is a good sign of things to come. The normal parameters of your ligs have been exceded, hence the noise. Like a much duller version of the noise I hear when I sprain my ankles, which is too damn frequent.;)

I would not say that you should expect a signifigant gain with every pop. I would say generally that lig pops are a sign of moving in the right direction. So, it could be a sign of progress even in smaller marks.

So in conclusion, don’t hear 3 pops in a row and expect and extra inch in a week.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


>Question, is a lig pop a positive thing that one should look forward to, the outcome being, better gains, a gain every time you have one? <

First, I was lucky enough to get a goodly amount of gains. I was gaining and lig popping quite often. I associated the lig pops with gains, but that is not the way to look at it, as has been pointed out. Some guys have them and gain a lot. And some guys don’t have them much and gain. I have not seen a strong corellation between lig pops and gains within the hanging population.

>Bib, have you experienced a lig pop in your time of hanging, and did you see dramatic gains from this?<

Many of them, and I saw dramatic gains most of the time. But as above, I cannot say the pops were a true gauge of gains to come.

>Should any type of lig popping be avoided, and do you experience this from hanging with too much weight?<

No, they are not to be avoided. The first couple might surprise and even worry you, but then you will become accustomed and not think about it after a while. Also, I do not think the amount of weight has much if anything to do with it.


Thanks, all…..

Gettin Bigger

I have been doing 100% erect stretching straight out for the last two days. Last time I did this was back in May or June and I experienced a lig pop. This morning I did the same thing and had another lig pop. All of you will say ‘don’t erect stretch!!’, but this is the only time I get a lig pop. According to twatteaser, it’s a ‘sign of moving in the right direction’. I will continue performing erect stretches for several more weeks to see if I make any progress. I read a post from a fellow who was doing erect stretching and he damaged his penis prettly bad, I just got to take it easy and not pull too hard.

Just be careful. You only have one penis, so take care of him. He is your best friend. Lig pops seem to be beneficial, I never heard of them ever really being bad. So take your time and perhaps you can get to your goals. If I remember correctly, I think some people have never had one of these lig pops but still showed gains. Perhaps it is like stretch marks are the signs of growing mass on a weight lifter. Though some people seem to be resistant if not immune to these marks. So it may only be a nice rule of thumb to gauge where you are at.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I’ve never experienced a lig pop and I’ve stretched for a month or so, mostly downwards. Should I stretch harder or? :o

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I too, am still waiting for a Lig pop, making some good progress from hanging all together….

Been seeing some amazing gains with base girth, the other day measured at 7.5 inches erect.

Gettin Bigger

Heh, first time I had a lig pop, was while beiing a bit overzealous while fuckiing my GF. You know, the totally in totally out move. Well it didn’t go back in (guess I missed lol) and bam, lig pop. Happened several times, but no ill effects.

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