Thunder's Place

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Loss of Tug Back

Loss of Tug Back

I would like to know what the majority of you feel about the LOT theory.
I am personally a fan and I understand the theory well, having read the articles thru and thru. I start at 12 - straight up and I kegel downwards to 6 or straight down to my toes. I notice a lot of pull back at around 10, so my loss of tug back occurs between 10 and 9. If I understand this all correctly, I have tight ligs and may benefit greatly in a short amount of time. But I have a small problem. As I am kegeling I feel the tug back until 10, however, as I continue downwards the feeling of pull is gone but I still see some movement. Does this happen for the rest of you too? Or does this mean that really I was wrong and I have loose ligs. I would like to hear any similar occurences. I am just getting back into PE. It is tough I live in Costa Rica, I dont have much privacy and I work a lot. I am returning State side and I am going to construct the capitans wench the next day after my arrival. No time like the present. Presently 6.2 NBPEL and 7BPEL, this also has always troubled me… I am skinny, not much fat, 5’7” tall and about 140lbs. do you all have such differences between erect length and bone pressed erect length.

Pura Vida, soon to be Pura PE

I think it is normal to experience loss of tug back as more of a gradual loss than a sudden shut off.
Try testing your LOT a few times over the course of a few days and you should arrive at a reliable average. BTW, nine O’Clock is an excellent LOT to begin with.

I have slightly more than a 3/4” difference between BP and NBP.

Crecimiento pura, bebe. iCrecimiento pura!

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