MAJOR hanging soreness/inflammation
Thought I’d post this one so the inflammation issue can be addressed.
I am about to conclude my first month of hanging, running basically a 6/1 schedule, averaging about 1.5-2.0 hrs a day (closer to 2 hr usually). I am using the AFB3 (no problems) and only using 7.5 lbs.
Here’s the issue: the base area around the lig is incredibly sore. I mean like unreal sore. The area is inflamed and puffy, but no redness to speak of. The inflammation is a concern as I’ve not heard anyone speak of that before. Touching my lig, pulling out the penis lightly when urinating or whatever is downright uncomfortable - to put it mildly.
I do 5 minutes worth of moist heat warmups followed by about 1/2 of the first set using a ricesock for continued heating; usually I take a shower before my warmups. I am thinking about moving to 10 minutes of warmup in the future as well as a 1/2 heated first set.
I currently just set up with the 7.5 lbs and hang with that weight only. But I am considering when I am really sore to start at maybe half-weight for about 2 minutes, go to 3/4 weight for a few more, then go full weight when I am eased in to the discomfort. At this point when I put the weight on I am in a sort of serious fear as it feels as if it’s going to rip something - no joke. It subsides after about 3 minutes or so, but it’s always really uncomfortable at this stage.
Also, I am just doing BTC at this point.
In addition to the added warmup time, I am wondering if the 6/1 is too aggressive a schedule for hanging?
Any comments by Bib, Lil1, or some other experienced hangers would be much appreciated. Today is an OFF day (whew!) so I can gather some feedback to use for next cycle.