Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Make gains by only hanging?


Hi Windblown and welcome to Thunder’s! Could you give a brief description of your routine? I have been hanging for about three months and I haven’t really seen any erect gains to speak but of.Though my BPFSL is up about .75 ” . Thanks !

After 3 months of 5 hours a week you should see some gains, however, it is hard to calibrate. You can tell if your getting a “good hang,” it just feel right. Hang in there, and you should see gains shortly. The time will go by quickly if you just stay disciplined and do not get in the habit of measuring every week. It took me almost 8 mos. To gain an inch, so just stay the course.

I would usually hang for 15min durations and complete about 3 to 4 sets in a sitting. I hang straight down and use the appropriate weight to fatigue the suspensory structures in about 15min. I would do this routine 5 days a week. You need to stay consistent and almost every day, I would not recommend the one day on and one day off, or 2 days on and one day off. Every day is the approach that worked for me, you can let the weekend go.

Hey, everybody,

Thanks for all of the replies so far. Keep them coming. Just as an update, I’m trying to hang 5 days/week. I use a Capn’s Wench with a swimcap wrap. I’m doing two sets of about 20 minutes with 5 lbs., taking 10 minute breaks between sets. I think I might add another set. My glans has been fine as far as coloration and temperature. I have yet to make an ADS. I think I’ll try out Ikes’s cheap, easy, no wrap wench ADS, seeing how I need to keep it hidden.

I have a question for Windblown (and anyone else, really): How can you tell if you’re getting a “good hang”? I don’t know if I’m stretching skin or ligs. It seems that optimal gains are gotten through stretching ligs. How do I make sure I’m doing that besides it “just feeling right”?

Thanks again

Originally Posted by Pud
I sell a similar product, except I have writen across the box in big blue writing.

RUSH DELIEVRY TO:Your name: Joe Schmoe

This way when the package arrives you will know not to open it in front of anyone.

Oh shit, that was a good one Pud!!:rolling: I’m fucking dying over here.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Last edited by huff : 10-09-2005 at .

Haha yeah, oh and I’m thinking of buying Monty’s weights also, but I live at my parents’ house too, so I’ll just have to camp out in my front yard until I can get that package before anyone else sees it!

Starting stats: NBPEL: 7.5 BPEL: 8.2 NBPFL: 5.5 BPFL: 6.5 EG: 6.0 First Goal~ / Final Goal~ NBPEL 8.0 / NBPEL 8.5 EG 6.25 / EG 6.50

Stretching ligs, stretching skin, it’s all good. You do not have to worry about the physiology that is being stretched because you want to stretch it all. Sometimes to get a good grip on your unit you have to slide the fleshy area around to secure a nice hold. A good stretch is analogous to a good back stretch or neck stretch, it should elongate in a fashion that is pleasurable. Sometimes in the beginning you will pinch the skin and that will be uncomfortable but apply a load that you can handle easily and orientate your loin area in a fashion that your feeling the entire fascia pulling against your navel. Soon you will be a “hanging hero.”

ballsluca, you can make significant gains by hanging only. I did no PE other than hanging 10hrs/week @ 22# for a year and gained in excess of 2”. 6 @ 20 minute hang time sessions 5 days/week. One continuous session not split.


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