Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

MB Vacuum Hanger Causing Swollen Red Glans


Well.. I’m getting some new symptoms, and I can’t tell if I’m doing better or worse.

The skin on the bruised part of my glans is very smooth, and no longer peels. It’s not as red as it was before, and there is still lots of sensitivity in it. But now, every time I wear my hanger, for any period of time over an hour, I get some sort of liquid forming in my hanger when I take it off. It’s like a mix of sweat and urine, a lighter yellow and thicker than urine. It’s only very small amounts but it is there. I usually wash the hanger out with water and then re-attach. I’m thinking the water I’m putting on my hanger has something to do with it.

Originally Posted by Makemelarge
Well.. I’m getting some new symptoms, and I can’t tell if I’m doing better or worse.

The skin on the bruised part of my glans is very smooth, and no longer peels. It’s not as red as it was before, and there is still lots of sensitivity in it. But now, every time I wear my hanger, for any period of time over an hour, I get some sort of liquid forming in my hanger when I take it off. It’s like a mix of sweat and urine, a lighter yellow and thicker than urine. It’s only very small amounts but it is there. I usually wash the hanger out with water and then re-attach. I’m thinking the water I’m putting on my hanger has something to do with it.

It’s lymph fluid. You must have had a blister that popped and now the pressure from the vacuum in the hanger is in essence sucking the fluid out. I have had this happen to me several times. You might want to lay off the hanger for a bit and let that heal first.

Does the use of this technique increase the SIZE of the GLANS permanently??????


The redness is local inflammation. Not healthy in the long run. I use surgical tape and a small piece of toilet paper attached to the surgical tape at the tip of the gland. This prevents breakdown of skin cells when I take the surgical tape off to pee or just check how things are going. I am now trying to get used to ADS with now force. Seems like the redness returns quick if you once overdid this type of PEing.

Restarting everything.

I always wrap before I hang. It eliminates the redness and most of the blister problem. I hang 20 lbs for 15 minute intervals, trouble free.

My routine:

1. Apply 1/2” wide band of hypafix tape around my unit just below the coronal ridge. It both plumps the head and also serves as an anchor for the other pieces.

2. Apply 3/4” wide strip of hypafix from the band up over the top of head and down to the band. 3 of these will completely cover th head.

3. Cover these three strips using 3M Heathcare waterproof tape.

4. Wrap tight around head with Hurt Free (or any stretchable bandage). Even though the Hurt Free sticks to itself, secure with a piece of paper tape.

Then I am ready to hang. In betwee sets, it is extremely important to unwrap the Hurt Free. I leave everything else on. Then after 5-10 min. rest, I wrap again with the Hurt Free and do another 15 min. session. Best to limit to only three sessons but can be done morning and evening. I have reduced the blister problem to one in 4 or 5 months, usually when I’m not paying attention to time or when I am pushing the evelope doing 4 sessions.

Hypafix tape is available only at medical supply stores and is expensive but sure is worth it. Paper tape would be cheaper substitute. I have hung over 1300 hours starting with 6 lbs and working up, so I’ve had lots of opportunity to perfect my wrapping. I’m not saying that what I do is good for you, but just sharing what works for me.

If you are feeling too much pressure on the glans, you may want to check the length of the sleeve your using. I had the same problem for a while when I was starting out, turns out I cut my sleeve to short which tends to make the vacuhanger pull more on the head. A longer sleeve will decrease this pressure, at least it did for me.

Originally Posted by Bike2swim

I have hung over 1300 hours starting with 6 lbs and working up, so I’ve had lots of opportunity to perfect my wrapping. I’m not saying that what I do is good for you, but just sharing what works for me.

With 1300 hours of 6+ pounds logged, what kind of gains are you seeing?

"Debate the idea..."

All gains came in the first 6 months or so and nothing since then. So from the point of results I can give little encouragement. Apparently the ligs are like steel and we I just can’t seem to stretch them. I have read of some guys going to 32 lbs and also reporting no progress. But then one guy went there and felt that that was the thing that unlocked the growth. Good luck


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