Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

MRM scans

MRM scans

I don’t know if this has been considered before but anyway.

I am new to PE and one thing that seems to come up again and again in threads is this idea that everyones ligs are different, the number of them, their thickness, their length and their angle to oneanother and the penis. This obviously makes hanging and stretching experimental, full of trial and error. With MRM scanning, hospitals can get an excellent 3D picture of any internal structure of the body. Perhaps in years to come you will be able to spend a few hundred pounds, have your ligs and other important penile structures scanned and walk out the door with a hanging program written by experts especially for you and your very individual physiology. No trial and error- just what is going to work best for you. ;)

keeep going!

I’m sure that Dr. Bib will be the chief of the Penis Enlargement Department.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


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