My research
i guys !
i hope my little research help us to improve a scientific approach to pe.
The problem i had was to find the relation between time and weigth. The question is: 1 kg for 30 min is the same than 2 kg for 15 min ? and so on…the answer i have is YES ! (with some notes…). By the physics laws the *force* is exactly the same ! and so we can say that the results must be the same ! the only limit is the risk to break the tissue…so i can’t hang 2 tons for 2 seconds !!! :-) Till now was impossible to make a relation between weight and time ‘cause we were looking at a false ruler: our penis ! this is a tissue that responds herratically to a force, not in a linear way like a spring. But the reactions are related to the *force* we apply on the tissue, like any other good in the universe (iron, wood…), so there is no reason why our penis should not responde to the universe’s laws !
In physics the *force* in relation to time is called *impulse*, measured Newton x Seconds (NxS).
If i hang 1 kg for 60 mins = 1kg (=9,8 Newton) x 60 mins (=60x60 secs) = 9,8 x 3600 = 35.280 NS
If i hang 2 Kg for 30 mins = 2kg (=19,6 Newton) x 30 mins (=30x60 secs) = 19,6 x 1800 = 35.280 NS
So u can use this relation between time & weight (in a carefull way) to value the *force* u apply to the tissues. The system is easy for the value of increases in weight. If i want to go from 2 kg to 3 kg u know that 45 mins with 2 kg is like 30 mins with 3 kg.
Note: if u change this values with lbs. is ABSOLUTELY the same ! (1 kg = 2,21 lbs).
This is the formula: Impulse = Newton x Seconds (NS)
1 kg = 9,8 Newton
1 kg = 2,21 lbs
2,21 lbs = 9,8 N
1 lb = 4,4 N
So teorically the increase of weight has no reason if we increase time ! i say teorically because we know that hanging for long times opens many problems of circulation, cold etc…
I’m doing this research ‘cause i think that some people (like me…) could obtain more results on long-term hanging with little weights (hours…).
If i hang 2 Kg for 30 mins = 35.280 NS
If i hang 100 gr for 10 hours (600 mins) = 100 gr (=0,98 Newton) x 600 mins (=600x60 sec) = 0.98 x 36.000 = 35280
So i can say that, teorically, 2 kg for 30 mins is like 100 gr for 10 hours a day.
With this formula u can decide if u want to stress in a short term the tissue or in a long term. We can’t have an evidence of this relation, because everybody is different, but the important thing is to find a reasonable relation between time and weight. If u double time u divide weight and so on….always the same increase/decrease:
1kg/60mins = 2kg/30mins
2kg/60mins = 4kg/30mins
and so on…
That’s all folks….I’m waiting for your advices or opinions…this is not the “Truth”…feel free to criticize….