I apologize for saying someone shouldn’t read a thread because you wrote in it.When I say that a person shouldn’t read your thread has nothing to do with disputing your opinion. It has to do with a guy needing to put in potentially hundreds of hours of hanging to see results and the last thing he needs to read is that it isn’t going to work..
I appreciate that you apologize. Now, I have done way more than 100 hours of hanging and used way, way more than 12 pounds; actually I have hung over 66 lbs from my penis, if that gots some meaning. Of course you are free to not believe it.
But let me ask you: how much experience gots Rootsnatty, who agrees on you on what is said in that thread? How much Serenity, how much Cantlook? So, you can notice that if you agree with somebody, not necessarily this is due to his better practical experience. You can also notice that I have never said anything about yours or Rootsnatty PE experience. When opinions are backed up with a good argument or sources, I don’t think it really makes much sense to throw ‘direct experience’ in, because on the Internet anyone can claim to have the best direct experience, and because personal experience doesn’t say much that can be generalized.