Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

new to hangers forum

new to hangers forum

Hey hangers

Well over the last 2 years I have rarely visited this forum but now I am mainly hanging. I took the time in home depot to find the parts I needed for my hanger. I’m pretty happy with the finished product. I have used most PE exercises up till now and changed to hanging because of energy problems due to many hours of work. I have question and concerns but have problems finding the answers.

I use ace bandages for my wrap and leave it on in between sets. I lightly jelq and squeeze to keep circulation. I am going on my 3rd week and am comfortably hanging @ 8lbs for 1 hour with 20 minute sets. I woudn’t recommend newbies to excel as fast. I am happy to report That I am waking up with wood almost every morning which I did’nt expect.

I try to attatch my hanger as close to the base as possible but at the end of each session it seems to be close to the head. I only hang BTC with my legs slightly elavated on a table and alternate balls left to right.

I always end sessions with a cold head but don’t have bad discoloration, but it is a little purple.

I also do stretching exercises a couple times a week and use DLD blasters in the morning to hit the lower ligs.

My main goal of course is more flaccid and erect lenght and short term is increasing the weight quickly to 15lbs.

Current size is

BPL 6,5
EG 4,5 but my head and base are 5,0

I have been unable to increase my mid shaft and increased my base with HORSE 440,s

Any feed back to my post will be appreciated.


>I try to attatch my hanger as close to the base as possible but at the end of each session it seems to be close to the head. I only hang BTC with my legs slightly elavated on a table and alternate balls left to right.<

Are you sure you are not just stretching skin? Why attach as close to the base as possible?

>I always end sessions with a cold head but don’t have bad discoloration, but it is a little purple.<

Moniter this very closely.

>My main goal of course is more flaccid and erect lenght and short term is increasing the weight quickly to 15lbs.<

Why would you have any goal that relates to how much weight you are hanging? Use the amount of weight that will bring you to fatigue within a reasonable amount of time.


Hey Bigger

Thanks for the reply, where should I place my hanger and if I’m stretching skin do I need to make it tighter. My hanger is an inch and a half by an inch and a half. I’m only 3,5 to 4,0 flaccid, so an inch seems like alot behind the head.

I want to increase my weight so it keeps my mind off of gaining. It’s just an easy way for me to set my goals. I know when I’m higher in weight the gains will be there.


>where should I place my hanger and if I’m stretching skin do I need to make it tighter. <

Closer to the head will reduce skin stretch, but remember, you have to also stretch skin and it is easier to do as a seperate procedure from the internal structures.

Making the hanger tighter, preventing it from sliding down, will help with skin stretch.



Very helpful, today I did something a little different and it worked well. I suppose this is correct because I have a small flaccid penis. I stretched out the little fellow and started my wrap. This enabled me to attach my hanger with ample room from the base as well as my head. I also attached my hanger differently as my hanger has 4 bolts, I went from front to back but opposite side. Anyway, my problem with it sliding is still happening. Its not ther hanger, its th wrap sliiping forward. I guess I’m gonna have to wrap tighter. I also had a good pull on the ligs with no skin pain(balls). This also prevented any discoloration in my head which is another positive.
Thanks again for your help.


>I stretched out the little fellow and started my wrap. This enabled me to attach my hanger with ample room from the base as well as my head.<

You are always supposed to stretch out your penis from the head when you wrap.

>I also attached my hanger differently as my hanger has 4 bolts, I went from front to back but opposite side. Anyway, my problem with it sliding is still happening. Its not ther hanger, its th wrap sliiping forward. I guess I’m gonna have to wrap tighter.<

If you have a lateral compression hanger, then the wrap tightness should not be a cause of slipping. The compression of the hanger should be able to hold not only the wrap on without slipping, but also hold on the internal structures. You might need to re-design the hanger.

I would never suggest wrapping tighter as a solution for any slipping.



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