Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Nice Find!


Nice Find!

Finally I nice find for a PE weight. I have been searching for months for something I can wear under clothes. To wear most of the day with refreshing blood flow often. I have been looking at the two piece clamps people have been selling as penis weights. Problem is they are wanting $20 to $30 a pop and the weight is only 4 to 8oz.

So after searching here and there on my free time I ordered myself a 49.5oz weight that will be discreet and can be worn through out the day "with proper refreshing of the blood flow".

Here is a link to where I got it. http://www.glob … mping-couplings

I will take the 4 middle screws out and use the top two and bottom two. I purchased one with the inside diameter of 1.5 inches. So flaccid with some silicon padding under my gland I should be able to tighten it down enough to have a comfortable all day hang.

I will use this for a few months and if it goes smooth I will purchase a 2nd one to stack above each other for an all day 6lb hang.

If you scroll down the page you can select larger inside diameters. I figured I would go with a 1.5" and see how it fit, plus it was the best bang for the buck 3lbs for $66. If I’m not allowed to post links I do apologize in advance and please delete.

But I thought this is a really good find. I hope others find it useful.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

And, happily,” does not mar the shaft”. That’s good news!

Looks like it could definitely be a good find. Keep us posted.

:_pump: :donatecar

Last edited by clgp7 : 06-27-2011 at .

for clarity: are we looking at the “1.5 inch bore X 2 5/8 outside diameter”? the cheapest of which is ~$67? Not that I find particular issue with the price, simply asking if this is what we’re supposed to be looking at. With it having a width of nearly 4 inches, I can’t imagine this will be at all discreet.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

Just let us know how comfortable it is, how long you can wear it etc please :) maybe post a pic of it in use. Thanks for being a little pioneer and trying something quite new.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Just let us know how comfortable it is, how long you can wear it etc please :) maybe post a pic of it in use. Thanks for being a little pioneer and trying something quite new.

A little pioneer? So he is hoping when he’s done he will no longer be a little pioneer but a big one?

Originally Posted by BTBassist
for clarity: are we looking at the “1.5 inch bore X 2 5/8 outside diameter”? the cheapest of which is ~$67? Not that I find particular issue with the price, simply asking if this is what we’re supposed to be looking at. With it having a width of nearly 4 inches, I can’t imagine this will be at all discreet.

So the 2 5/8 outside diameter is “not” the outside diameter of the piece in general? I would hate to be wrong on this I will have to change my order if so.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Originally Posted by devilknight666
A little pioneer? So he is hoping when he’s done he will no longer be a little pioneer but a big one?

Har-dee-ha-ha :D

Can’t wait to hear more about how this works. Subbed…

If I remember my math an outside diameter of 1.5 x pi (3.14) gives a circumference of 4.71. That is the outside diameter.the bore is .75 , which gives an inside diameter of 2.35 inches. Measure your flaccid girth. Is it 2.5 inches. You should measure your flaccid girth with your wrapping on. Divide that by pi and get the bore diameter you need or slightly smaller so you can tighten it. I have not taken a math class for a long time so, correct me if I am wrong.

Originally Posted by Penox
So the 2 5/8 outside diameter is "not" the outside diameter of the piece in general? I would hate to be wrong on this I will have to change my order if so.

I don’t know, for a fact. I’m simply looking at the manufacturer’s specs for width, at that same website:

Two-Piece Clamping Coupling, 1 1/2 " Bore, G2SCC-150-150KW

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

I called them and they said that an outside circumference of 4.71 is incorrect. That the outside circumference of the who piece is the 2 5/8. So I hope your wrong. If not then I will send it in and replace it with something else. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sales rep knew less about the item then you did. So I’m not saying your wrong yet. I will have to receive the order and see.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Pssh, man I hope I AM wrong. I’d rather say “I’m wrong” and have your idea work out well for you than to have it the other way around. Let us know how things turn out.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

Originally Posted by BTBassist
Pssh, man I hope I AM wrong. I’d rather say “I’m wrong” and have your idea work out well for you than to have it the other way around. Let us know how things turn out.

Man I don’t know. Once I got to thinking about it how can something less then 4 inches long and 2 5/8 in diameter weight 3lbs?

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Pennox with an outside diameter of 2.66 would have a circumference of 8.3 inches. That’s larger than a Coke can. So look at it this way. You will be swinging a 3 lb soda can around on your dick all day. Can you say ‘crotch bulge’ or maybe ‘ouch’. You will have to strap that sucker to you thigh or be prepared for thigh bruises. I think the pain from tissue fatigue would make you take the thing off in 20 minutes. Look at PE Weights.

3 LBS is a lot for ADS.

I wear four shaft collars which is about 1 & 1/2 LBS for five or six hours.

That’s all I can take.


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