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ordering a bibhanger

ordering a bibhanger

I was just wondering I ordered a bibstarter last night and I know Bib wont be here for a couple of weeks starting tomorrow so I was just wondering if any one can tell me if my hanger got out in time before the cut off date ( which I don’t know what day the cut off day is ).


You should send him a email…

I’m waiting on mine too, but I ordered a while back…N2

I was not leaving till Wednesday, but that has been pushed back to Friday.

Any Paypal orders till Friday morning will go out. Same with money orders. Checks are held ten business days.

If you ordered last night, it is going out today.



Thanks, Bigger


After vacation?

I didnt learn about bibhanger or this forum till now. I want to order the bibhanger, but wondering as to when i should order being that Bib is on vacation. Does anyone know if he is going to be still be shipping them out after his vacation? Or should I just go ahead and order now, before he goes back to school (as im reading)?

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