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Other Hangers

Other Hangers

I saw a picture of the actual Bib Hanger, and that thing looks like a crafted piece of equipment!!! Meanwhile, the homemade bib plans look like they wouldn’t work as good, the diagrams look like they’d actually hurt!

There’s gotta be some other reputable company that produces such hangers, or something similar that produces the same effect. I’m currently looking for something right now, if I catch anything promising I’ll be sure to report back here.

I’m only asking because I’ve been reading that Bib either isn’t around, or that he’s not making any more, etc… a different story in every thread! There’s gotta be another piece of PE equipment that’s comparable to Bib’s Hangers. If they were still available, I’d buy one straight up.


Becoming.... Godsize

Oh please tell me if you do find something.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Bib was actually a Martian, sent on a scouting mission undercover. I think he has gone back to Mars to visit family and friends over there.

IMO, second to the bib hanger is the AFB, if you use your head you can make a very effective version of it. There are a few threads around about building hangers.


I built a hombrew Bib via Tryn4mores instructions, but it isn’t too comfortable.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


>I saw a picture of the actual Bib Hanger, and that thing looks like a crafted piece of equipment!!! Meanwhile, the homemade bib plans look like they wouldn’t work as good, the diagrams look like they’d actually hurt!<

Never know till you try. I started out with the homemade Bib design, and used it successfully for a good amount of time.

>There’s gotta be some other reputable company that produces such hangers, or something similar that produces the same effect. I’m currently looking for something right now, if I catch anything promising I’ll be sure to report back here. <

Please let me know if you find something.

>I’m only asking because I’ve been reading that Bib either isn’t around, or that he’s not making any more, etc… a different story in every thread! <

I don’t know what the different stories are. I just got back from vacation and have a lot of reading to do and a lot of business to conduct. We shall see within the coming weeks if and when new hangers are made.

>There’s gotta be another piece of PE equipment that’s comparable to Bib’s Hangers. If they were still available, I’d buy one straight up. <

Well, they were in production for a hell of a long time while you have been here. They have only been ‘out’ of production for a couple of weeks. If you can be a little patient, they should be back at some point.


WELCOME BACK BIB!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

How was your trip? Good I hope. Good to have you back, the hangers forum just doesn’t feel the same without ya! :)

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


Thanks. The trip was good. But I feel like I have jet lag, only I did not fly. Really tired. I need a vacation.



<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

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