Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

People of Thunders...I need your help!

People of Thunders...I need your help!

I had been hanging for about two months with a little success. I started out with a homemade bib type of hanger. I think its probably the hanger itself that has caused my problem. The way it was built, it was a little ruff on the skin. The area that is affected was the area right behind my glans, and the ridge of my glans, on the top side of my penis. It just started out as two small red patches, and a little swelling on the ridge of my glans. Its about an inch and a half long and wide in size now. At first I didn’t think too much about it because it would go away shortly after the hanging session. I switched to an actual bib, but the switch came too late.

The area just kept getting worse. So I took a much needed break, thinking that it would only last a week or two until it healed up. I am now going on three months off, with little or no improvement. Every time its even touched it flares up. Sex, masturbation, whatever. The skin is red and dry and will peel from time to time. And the ridge of my glans gets very red and swells. The skin does feel a bit irritated at times, but their is no pain. All this mostly happens during erection and sexual activity. I have tried neosporin, baby oil, lotions, aloe vera, and even yeast meds to know avail. Ive tried to do nothing at all, just leaving it alone. However, I can only last a day or two. I like my dick to much :-)

Anyways, have any of you ever experienced anything like this? And if so, what did you do to help the recovery. I do have a very active sex life, and of course my girl friend has noticed. Its VERY hard to refrain completely, but I have cut WAY back trying to speed recovery. Nothing seems to be working. I know its not any kind of STD or anything like that. I’m itching to get back to my PE! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

Maybe Arnica cream could help. Out of curiosity, could you post a pic of the hanger that caused the problem?

Thanks for the response Marinera, I will try it. Unfortunataly I threw that old one out as soon as I got my bib. It was actually more comfortable than my bib is, but it did cause this problem. I was quite proud of it. The bib is more effective tho.

Originally Posted by marinera
Maybe Arnica cream could help. Out of curiosity, could you post a pic of the hanger that caused the problem?

Or even a picture of your penis… and considering the amount of pictures of penises around Thunders that everyone see’s there’s nothing to be ‘ashamed’ about.

Have you seen a doc?

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

How do you know it’s not an STD? Has an STD Panel screen been run on you recently?

I’m pretty sure I’ve also experienced what you have now. It came from using household lubricants on the hanger that I figured (and was advised) would make the screws and wingnuts easier to work with. Big mistake. You tighten the screw - now the lubricant is on your hand.. you go to stretch and wrap.. now it’s all over your dick. If your skin down there doesn’t like that chemical, “Hello rash”!

The key is sanitization. You can wash the hanger, the wrap, and your hands with a mild soap. After that, you want to use as few chemicals as possible, in my opinion. If the nuts and bolts on your hanger are too hard to work with or keep breaking, just keep buying new ones! I have a little cup here filled with about 100 of those screws that go over top of the bib and tighten it. I replace them about every week. I’d rather do that than break out from some household chemical on my wang.

As far as your situation now - for me just washing it with soap and being extra careful helped it go away quicker. While I still had it, I couldn’t do much hanging without it being uncomfortable. Sorry. Might I suggest baby powder and manual stretches until it heals?


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

No I haven’t seen a doc yet, considering it tho. Like I said it doesn’t hurt, just feels irritated sometimes. Im pretty sure its not an STD since Ive been with the same woman for the last two years. Unless she has cheated on me…THAT BITCH! LOL! No I know she has done nothing like that, we are pretty much glued together at the hips, and spend almost all of our time together. She showes no symptoms what so ever.

The skin underneath the ridge looks almost like scar tissue, as a matter of fact Im starting to think thats what it is. And like I said, when I have sex or touch it too much, it gets all flared up, turns red, puffs up just a little, and feels dry. Sometimes the skin will peel…wierd. The ridge is what Im even more concerned about, because it does swell up more and seems to be getting a little worse. Im at a loss, because I have had a little skin irritation before, but with a little break it always goes away. This one just doesn’t want to heal.

As far as using lubricants on my hanger, I have never done that. So this problem wouldnt be related to that. I have done absolutely NO PE activity going on almost 3 months now. I would love to just stretch, but hell I cant even jerk off with out irritating it! I think if it were possible for me to go 2 to 3 weeks without touching it at all, no sex or anything, it might heal. However, thats just impossible…my drive is just too high! Lol! As it is I have cut back on sex and/or masterbation to about once every 2 to 3 days. And thats pushing it for me! As far as a pic goes, I just lost my camera. I could take a pic on my phone I guess. Hmm….

Anyways thanks again for the input. I sincerely appreciate it. Im open to suggestions…

I’d go see a doctor asap, it could be some kind of bacterial/fungal infection. That kinda thing needs to be taken care of asap or it gets much worse. It can be Kinda of like athletes foot, not too much you can do about it without medication and it gets easily irritated/inflamed. Hope that helps

House_Md are you a doctor? Im guessing by your name that you may be? LOL! I am seriously considering it. If it is one of those things, what would be the treatment?

Originally Posted by house_md
I’d go see a doctor asap, it could be some kind of bacterial/fungal infection. That kinda thing needs to be taken care of asap or it gets much worse. It can be Kinda of like athletes foot, not too much you can do about it without medication and it gets easily irritated/inflamed. Hope that helps


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