Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pound Per Minute Theory PPM

Tom Hubbard hanged for more then 140 hours, using a noose-style simple hanger; weigths started at 1.8 kg (1 kg = 2.2 lbs), and ended at 2.8 kg. He wrote that gains in length were 3.2 cm (1 inch = 2.54 cm). NOTE: I haven’t re-read this data; you may control it in Tom Hubbard Classics.

Kristian69 used an extender for 968 hours; starting tension was 600-700 grams (450 grams = 1 lbs), final tension 1.5 kg; he had a length gain of 2 cm.

The formula says this :weight elevated to 3.1 factor then multiplied for hours under tension and then divided for 600 (constant) give the length gain expected.
In example : hanging an average weight of 2 kg for 100 hours give: 8.57 (= 2^3.1) X 100/600 = 1.4 cm.

This should be valid in fixed ranges of weight-hours; we can’t expect to gain 140 cm after hanging 2 kg for 10.000 hours :-)
Constant should also be a function of the weight used: it could seems more logical.

As I said, it’s just a play; lot of uniform data are needed for really approaching some weight-time-gains equation.

However, the hypothesis that younger PEers have more difficulties to enlarge penis seems not convincing to me; also, lack of elasticity should not means easier gains, but easier injuries, am I wrong?

Thank you, that was an excellent example of the formula that you have come up with. 2 kg was good weight to choose, because it is equal to 4.4 lbs., just under 5 lbs. I’m curious, what is the “3.1 factor” for? What does it represent?

Represent the exponential factor that give the same result, weight x hour, for the two example of training listed; if you start from the assumption that :
IF a given weight (or tension) for a given number of hours do a knowed length gain,
THEN there has to be some mathematical relation that will give what length-gain is obtained using another weight for another number of hours,
and resolve this problem, you find this formula satisfying these premises; naturally, there could be infinite other formula’s that could satisfy that premises also; to know the real universal formula we need a large database of trainings with hours and weights used, and gains recorded.

Is hope this post is a little clear; as I said, my English is really bad.

Originally Posted by marinera

Is hope this post is a little clear; as I said, my English is really bad.

Naturally, I mean “I hope this post is a little clear ” etc. etc..

Ok, I understand what the “3.1 factor” represents, thanks.


Your formula suggests that every hour of hanging with 10kg gives a length gain of around 2cm.

Wouldn’t it be something :) !

Originally Posted by ToDaMoon
Your formula suggests that every hour of hanging with 10kg gives a length gain of around 2cm.
Wouldn’t it be something :) !

Yes, and others unrealistic results; so, as I have said, it has to be intended just as an example of the formula we are searching for; and, whatever this formula could be formulated, it should be probably fixed in same range, so:

5 newton< tension < 100 newton
3 secs < time < 20 hours
we can apply this formula.

Thank for your input however ;) .

Originally Posted by ToDaMoon


Your formula suggests that every hour of hanging with 10kg gives a length gain of around 2cm.

Wouldn’t it be something :) !

Unfortunately, I can honestly state that one hour of hanging with 10 Kg (22 pounds) does not give any noticeable increase in length, as I tried several times to do sessions with that weight. Maybe, a period of months of hanging for two or more hours a day with such weight could yield similar results, but I am not so confident.

Perseverance wins

Interesting stuff. But to be honest I believe time is more important than weight.

Good to see you too, Boss!

I have been very busy in the last months as my wife gave me my first son (and now I really know what a vagina can bare…).

Hi to all!

Perseverance wins

Thank you!

Perseverance wins

First congratulation on the new baby I have a six month old baby girl so I know how hard it is with anew baby.Things are kind of reversed in my house I watch the baby and the wife makes the money that’s only because she makes way more then I could.

I won’t be going back to work for at least 6 months so I’m devoting that time to PE I’m tracking workouts on excel.

This is the current routine:

Hang 2 hrs-1am-1pm using the grip device
Water pump with bathmate best pump I ever used and I have the lap with 2 different size cylinders almost no fluid build up and unlike regular pump my cock stays big for at least 3hrs but only do 15 min at a time.once or twice per day.
Jess extender with modified vac-extender head piece 1 to 3hrs 1200 grams

I ordered the static stretcher it should be here on Mon I hope.I will be using that when ever I’m not in the other devices.
I’m thinking of doing 3 hrs per day of hanging after reading your post plus everything else.
Do you think I should measure every month or every three months.

I think one should measure only when he is are sure his unit has become bigger

Perseverance wins


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