Hi Tom.
I’ve never entirely figured out the twisting, which happens with every hanger I’ve used (including two Bibs). I think it’s got to do with how accurately it’s positioned - in other words, not slightly oriented to one side or the other - and once your dick’s all wrapped up it can be tricky to get it exactly right.
If the hanger isn’t anchored well it will slide down the shaft. Even a tiny bit of sliding is enough to give the CC’s an excuse to slip past each other, at least in my case.
What helped me was keeping more blood in the CC’s in front of the hanger and tightening more. Tighten in stages. The shaft settles into the hanger. If you don’t tighten repeatedly before applying the weight what seemed snug at first actually becomes pretty loose. The hanger needs to be tight enough to prevent the blood in the ends of the CC’s from escaping because those inflated ends serve as a stopper (or “shoulder” as Bib called it).