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Problem with hanging device

Problem with hanging device

I’ve recently built one of the hanging devices recommended in the Tom Hubbard’s Heavy Weights link of the Hanging 101 link. It’s pipe insulation held together by a hose clamp. Anyway, when I go to use it, it seems that if I make it any tighter, I’m going to cut off circulation (or cut it off too much). But, at the tightness I set it on now, it always slides off before I’ve reached the 10 minute mark. Any suggestions?

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Build a different hanger. Did you read what Hubbard had to say about this particular setup?

Yeah, he said it was one of the two most comfortable ones. He said what he didn’t like about it was the thought that there was a piece of metal near his unit. What else did he say? Did I miss something? Also, what would you recommend? It seems as though there are a lot of different designs out there, all similar to one another.

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