Problem with hanging/sets
I should have brought this up a long time ago. I’ve been hanging off and on for the last year or so. Perhaps I would be more motivated to hang and thus get length gains if I hadn’t had this problem.
Whenever I hang for more than 30-35mins worth (that’s one set of 20mins and another 10-15mins in) my skin in the foreskin area (I’m cut) would start to get chunks of lymphatic fluid in it. I hang with 14.5 lbs. No other area of my dick shows any sign of bruising and the like, it stays warm and circulated throughout the session. (I use rice sock beforehand, too) I think this is caused by the skin in front of the hanger to be rolled forward behind the head under pressure for these periods of time. But I need the hanger to be tight or else it will slide over my head. I’d like to believe that I have the wrapping part of it down, since I can hang with comfort (until the skin issue arises).
I’d really like to hear anyone’s thoughts on how can you hang for an hour + at a time. Does anyone else get this problem? Anything that I can do about it? Perhaps I should take really long breaks in between sessions?