Originally Posted by Syd 117
Also I was reading a thread can’t remember which one, about gains from lig stretch. And inner penis, I’ve got an extremely high exit point and my palp test if I’m doing it right is giving me 3 1/2” of inner penis which I thought was a good thing after reading a lot on bib’s forum. I read where roots was saying maybe only .5 to .75 gain from lig. That’s kinda of bummer but still well worth the effort.
I searched lowered exit point but there’s to much to look through there and xeno’s the only one I’ve seen say he’s sure his exit point has dropped. Are there others that can testify to that?
Hanging in there.
My exit point has dropped. Visibly so. I should have measured from belly button to the top of my shaft when I first started, but I never did. Maybe I will do that on my next measurement day.
That .5” to .75” I agreed on was just a conservative average (read: a complete fucking guess). :) I think obviously some will gain more, some less, some a lot more, and some none at all from lig stretch. I just don’t believe, at least from the method I have proposed for lig gains, that someone is likely to gain a massive amount solely from lig elongation, on average. So don’t be discouraged, a very high exit point means the greatest possible amount of potential lig gains.
Also, I think the palpation test is a great way to feel things out, but I don’t know about Bib’s actual system of measurement for it. That is, the linear distance between the exit point and the base of the pubic bone. It will probably be somewhat less than this amount. So while I don’t think 3.5” will be likely, that is a HUGE palpation score, so I think your lig gains will still be significant. However, lig gains and tunica gains will almost always occur together, so you could possibly be close to this by the time you tap out your lig gains, but it will be a mixture of tunica and lig elongation. This is an educated guess, to say more would be utter speculation.