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Received BIBhanger-Questions

Received BIBhanger-Questions

Hi everyone!

I´m new to this forum,but I PE since about two years and my firs gains came when BIB´s LOT theory came out.Since that point I only did upward stretches for 1 to 1.5 hours each day.

Because my hands became pretty tired I decided to order a Bibhanger.

That was last week and it only took 7 days to be delivered from the US to Europe.AMAZING!

So,I´ve been messing around with it since yesterday and today I somehow managed to make it pretty comfortable.Even though I wasn´t able to hang full sets of 20 minutes,I could hang for 15 min. at a time.

Is it normal for a beginner that it is a little uncomfortable for the skin,and when will this skin discomfort dissapear?

It seems to be the only problem with it so far!

Will I be able to perform a lot of sets of 20 min. after a couple of days?

Will it be absolutely comfortable by then?

Or how long you guys think it´ll take?

Every reply would be highly appreciated!


>Is it normal for a beginner that it is a little uncomfortable for the skin,and when will this skin discomfort dissapear?<

That is a couple of loaded questions. It is not unusual to have skin discomfort when hanging. Skin is the first limiting factor to gains for most guys, and you have to stretch skin before the inner structures are taking the stress. If the discomfort is not from skin stretch, then you might have a wrapping problem.

>Will I be able to perform a lot of sets of 20 min. after a couple of days?<

Maybe and maybe not. Even after I had hung for a long time, sometimes I would have to cut sets short. Not unusual at all, and nothing wrong with it. In fact, many guys limit sets to 10-15 minutes. Just listen to what your unit is telling you. If no problems, go for 20. If unusual discomfort, then cut the set short. No worries.

>Will it be absolutely comfortable by then?<

Another loaded question. I always tried to avoid discomfort, much less pain. But everyone has a different threshold. Once you learn your optimal wrapping and hanger settings, then it will be more comfortable.

>Or how long you guys think it´ll take?<

Since most guys have to go up in weight to continue gains, some would say it is a never ending process. I came up with the Bib because I was always looking for a more comfortable way to hang as I needed ever increasing amounts of weight to continue gains.


Thanks for your reply,bib.Yesterday I experienced some twisting in my bibhanger.Don´t know if it is OK when that happens but I guess it is just a neverending learning process like you said.

OK,here´s another one: Is it unavoidable that the glans gets filled up with blood.That´s maybe another factor why I had to cut my sets to 10 minutes.

And how much would be pretty heavy for tunica stretching (heavy enough to produce gains!)?

I use a lat pulley machine,the weight slay is about 10 lbs and I added about another 5-10 lbs.So that would mean I hung OTS with 15 to 20 pounds.The 10 extra pounds seemed to be a little to heavy for more then 12 minutes so I cut back to 5.

My flaccid has been pretty large for the last 24 hours so I think it maybe did something for my tunica.What do you think?

Could the mentioned weight be a good starting weight?

I don´t know cause when I manually stretched it seemed to be much more force applied if you know what I mean.

Anyways I think I´m still in the learning process!

If something´s unclear please ask.(because of my relatively poor english)

And here´s something else that I just remember:

My last workout was splitted in Longer and shorter sets.I was hanging for about 2 hours all in all.It was not totally comfortable (that blood in the head thing and the skin issue),but it wasn´t totally relaxed either.

What I´m trying to say is that I don´t really know if I´ll be able to hang that long every day.Maybe I should start out with less weight and give the glans the chance (hey that rhymes :-) ) to adapt.Will it be able to take a lot more weight if I do this?


First, I had told bbs that I read very recently about someone who had a low LOT, and has made tunica gains hanging at the upper angles. Would you happen to be that guy?

>Yesterday I experienced some twisting in my bibhanger.Don´t know if it is OK when that happens but I guess it is just a neverending learning process like you said.<

As long as the top of the back of your head is not contacting either of the front thumbs, you are fine. A slight twist is not too bad. If it is twisting a lot, then that could be a problem. There are many threads in this section on twisting. I do not have a lot of personal experience with it, but others have, and have beaten it.

>OK,here´s another one: Is it unavoidable that the glans gets filled up with blood.<

No, it is avoidable, and should not happen. You are probably wrapping too tight. First, just wrap as normal, and wait ten minutes. See if the head swells. If so, the wrap is too tight. If not, then attach the hanger at normal tightness for the weight you wish to hang. Then wait another ten minutes to see is the head swells. If so, the wrap is too tight, not the hanger. Repeat this process, loosening the wrap until you can attach the hanger without head swell.

Having said that, remember the tightness of the wrap which caused the head swell, because it might be beneficial for you concerning head girth. Also, being able to swell the head with wrap can help the attachment of the hanger, larger head, etc.

>That´s maybe another factor why I had to cut my sets to 10 minutes. <

Nothing wrong with a ten minute set.

>And how much would be pretty heavy for tunica stretching (heavy enough to produce gains!)? <

That’s it. The amount of weight as relates to gains is a totally individual thing.

>My flaccid has been pretty large for the last 24 hours so I think it maybe did something for my tunica.What do you think?<

It sounds like it. Or at least deformed the elastin fibers within your shaft.

>Could the mentioned weight be a good starting weight? <

It could be a good ending weight. Whatever causes you fatigue within a reasonable amount of time. Just start slow, and move up slowly to prevent injury.

>I don´t know cause when I manually stretched it seemed to be much more force applied if you know what I mean.<

There are always two factor in traction therapy; time and stress. The problem with manual stretching is most guys cannot hold a significant stress for a long enough period to create deformation. With hanging, gravity can do it. The periodic stress may not be as great as the max manual stretching force, but the time more than makes up for it.

>Anyways I think I´m still in the learning process! <

Me too.

>If something´s unclear please ask.(because of my relatively poor english) <

You did fine. Some of the English speakers could take note.

>My last workout was splitted in Longer and shorter sets.I was hanging for about 2 hours all in all.It was not totally comfortable (that blood in the head thing and the skin issue),but it wasn´t totally relaxed either.
What I´m trying to say is that I don´t really know if I´ll be able to hang that long every day.Maybe I should start out with less weight and give the glans the chance (hey that rhymes :-) ) to adapt.<

You should start at a low weight, and then move up slowly. One thing you may not realize; you are attempting to deform the collagenous tissues, the ligs and tunica. But the soft tissues, skin, muscle, nerves, etc, also have to adapt to the stresses. The collagenous tissues will take a lot of stress to deform, and the soft tissues may not be able to handle it if you move up in stress too quickly. But over time, they will adapt.

I always recommend to first try and hang for the available amount of privacy time you have in a day. Then, if you do not reach fatigue and have to lower the weight, move up in weight slowly until you do have to lower the weight. So, try to get in the time first, even at lower weights, then move up in weight if you need to.


This was my first post on this forum,so it wasn´t me you heard about gaining by hanging the upper angles.But after your LOT theory I did a lot of stretching upwards and had the first real gains of my life.

In fact,I gained over an inch in the first few months.I was amazed to say at least.

Thanks a lot,bib,for this great invention of yours!!

I bought the bibhanger to get much more workout time to gain at least another inch,or maybe two.

I try to go with your last sentence from now on.I´m gonna start with less weight and up the time!

I think it´s so cool that you still take the time to answer all of our questions.Much obliged!

Anyways,I try as you told me and maybe in a couple of days I´ll be back to tell you how it worked out for me.

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