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Rough calculation of weight required to deform tunica

Rough calculation of weight required to deform tunica

I have had a nagging thought about how much weight it takes to deform the tunica. I have seen small gains from time to time but I also have seen no gains for several months even though I have been able to increase the time and weight at a variety of angles. I believe I have a very tough tunica because my erections are very rigid.
So, I did a quick and dirty calculation to see if the weight I hang is even in the ballpark of what it takes to deform the tunica and guess what? It is. I approximated the tunica to be 2 cylindrical tubes each with a radius of 1/2 inch. From data I found on this forum I approximated the tunica to be 2 mm thick (0.08 inches). This gives a cross-sectional area of the two tubes at approximately 0.5 square inches. From data also on this forum I read that the tunica’s tensile strength is around 1500 mm Hg (59 inches Hg or approxiamately 29 lbs/square inch). Doing the math you find that would be a force of 14.5 lbs on the two tubes. I did not fudge the numbers to get this value.
Again this is all an approximation but to be in the ballpark is very comforting. I am finding that I can increase the weight after a reasonable period. It seems that the more often I hang the more often I can increase the weight. All of my physiological indicators are good. I really want to start seeing regular gains.
I am currently hanging 15 lbs BTC and 20 lbs OTS for 8 to 10 hrs per week. I am stuck at 6 3/4 inches BPEL. I recorded at 6 7/8 but I now think I did not have the ruler horizontal when I did that. I am not gaining in stretched length either. When I hang BTC and OTS I isolate areas by hanging UTL and OTL.
I am hoping that with some additional hang time and weight I will break this plateau.

Important to note is that the tunica has an area from the 5 to 7 o’clock position which does not have longitudinal layers. I have read elsewhere that this is where the tunica ruptures and possibly what the tensile strength represents.

Again, it was just reassuring to be “in the ballpark”. If I had calculated a weight of say 100 lbs I would have hung my head (no pun intended).

Any comments on this would be appreciated.

Very rough.

It may work for you, but not necessarily someone else. Results are based on the individual and cannot be specifically predicted. People can, and often will react differently to similar stimulus (i.e. weight, time, pressure, jelq strokes, etc…).


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

I wish 14.5 lbs. would do something for me I hang SO and recently had to jump to 30 lbs. kinda hurts slightly at first but the feeling it gives me makes me feel like this is necessary to find gains otherwise I will remain with no length gains as usual.


Amazing, 30 lbs. I remember when I was doing 12.5 and wondered if I could ever do 20. What was your weight progression like? Have you gained consistently?

I did a couple of 21.25 lb sets few days ago and I was really happy with my flacid hang the next day. I did get a little bit of numbess but it didn’t affect my erection. Last night I could only hang 20 and for a reduced time. Today I am a little retracted but not concerned. Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Yeah it does sound familiar my weight probably went something like 5 lbs.,7,9,10,12,14,15,17,18,20,22,23,25,27,29,30=no gains, a lot of fatigue and sorenoess though.

It is beyond me why I can’t get a half inch gain at least, but I’m not gonna go on one of my whining sprees. Might sound stupid but sometimes I think destiny comes into play and some just are destined to not be able to obtain gains. I’ve been at this for about 3 or 4 years, girth is no problem at all, I’m positive I could get 6 inches girth if I really wanted to.


I admire your perseverance. I too have been struggling to find the secret to consistent gains. The few times that I have made a small gain it seemed that I was experiencing just enough fatigue to cause a slight retraction. Manual stretching and an ADS seem to help me hold on to the good flaccid hang and harder erections that typically follow several good hang days. I feel like my erections are the best ever and sex is great but lately the ruler says no gain. I have not hung in a week due to a family vacation. Prior to the vacation I had had two weeks of excellent hanging. While I was on vacation I had great erections and my penis felt heavier. I will measure in a few weeks. I really want to hit 7 this summer. I am glad that you shared this information with me. I wish I could help you.

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