Rough calculation of weight required to deform tunica
I have had a nagging thought about how much weight it takes to deform the tunica. I have seen small gains from time to time but I also have seen no gains for several months even though I have been able to increase the time and weight at a variety of angles. I believe I have a very tough tunica because my erections are very rigid.
So, I did a quick and dirty calculation to see if the weight I hang is even in the ballpark of what it takes to deform the tunica and guess what? It is. I approximated the tunica to be 2 cylindrical tubes each with a radius of 1/2 inch. From data I found on this forum I approximated the tunica to be 2 mm thick (0.08 inches). This gives a cross-sectional area of the two tubes at approximately 0.5 square inches. From data also on this forum I read that the tunica’s tensile strength is around 1500 mm Hg (59 inches Hg or approxiamately 29 lbs/square inch). Doing the math you find that would be a force of 14.5 lbs on the two tubes. I did not fudge the numbers to get this value.
Again this is all an approximation but to be in the ballpark is very comforting. I am finding that I can increase the weight after a reasonable period. It seems that the more often I hang the more often I can increase the weight. All of my physiological indicators are good. I really want to start seeing regular gains.
I am currently hanging 15 lbs BTC and 20 lbs OTS for 8 to 10 hrs per week. I am stuck at 6 3/4 inches BPEL. I recorded at 6 7/8 but I now think I did not have the ruler horizontal when I did that. I am not gaining in stretched length either. When I hang BTC and OTS I isolate areas by hanging UTL and OTL.
I am hoping that with some additional hang time and weight I will break this plateau.
Important to note is that the tunica has an area from the 5 to 7 o’clock position which does not have longitudinal layers. I have read elsewhere that this is where the tunica ruptures and possibly what the tensile strength represents.
Again, it was just reassuring to be “in the ballpark”. If I had calculated a weight of say 100 lbs I would have hung my head (no pun intended).
Any comments on this would be appreciated.