I’m on Win2K on a very old pc. It was originally a Win98 box if that gives you any idea. It’s been upgraded and bolted to for several years. I think if I went for XP it would probably cripple it. It’s just one more reason to get a new box but I’ve been putting it off for so long now.
I deliberately kept the instructions vague in order to only convey the idea and some process rather than the specifics. The diagram shows the intended shape with some relevant diameters, but everything else is variable. Basically it’s just a silicone top hat with a reduced collar and a valve in the end. I’m pretty sure if anybody made one then as soon as they tried it on they’d find things that need to change. Rather than recasting it every time I ended up using silicone with a paintbrush to thicken up areas or reduce diameters. It is quite a viscous liquid before it sets, so you can make changes to shape quite easily.
I used supplements bottles as containers as they were approximately the right size without wasting too much materials. I molded the head of my unit, then dunked it into a mix of silicone, but I no longer think this is necessary or even appropriate. For the record I drilled a hole in the bottom of the container and screwed in a thin bolt which acted as a prong to hold the plaster head casting in place away from the bottom of the container.
If I were to start again I would make it in 3 sections (A, B and C), then paint on silicone to the surfaces to glue it all together. I’d make the molds with a mix of plastic bottles, toilet rolls, selotape or anything else I could find lying around, but specifics I feel would be over complicating what is a very simple shape.
The valve is the ‘female in-line coupler’ on this site : http://www.vacu … oduct-parts.asp
If the seal is good then the vacuum will last for as long as I have tried it (a couple of hours). The vacuum doesn’t have to be high which means it can be left on for a long time, but it also means that moving around or pulling it at odd angles will probably allow air ingress. It’s far from perfect, but with practise you can get a fair weight on with tiny amounts of vacuum. I usually add a little more vacuum just so that if I move it and some air gets in I don’t lose the seal. I use it dry btw and wash it to remove any oil etc, but its not that fussy for attended operation.
The female coupler ($13.25) in the link above is what is placed on the silicone head. The male coupler on the same page ($8.25)
is what is on the end of the pump tube. The pump being the pump I got with a standard vacuum cylinder pump. If you already have a cylinder then the pump will work fine. If not then I guess any of the recommendations in the hangers forum would be fine. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate model.