Thunder's Place

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SO seems best....

SO seems best....

Just looking for a little advice here.

I’ve been experimenting for the last month hanging at different angles for a period of about a week. OTC seems okay, but I can hang 22.5lbs with no problem for 3+ sets. BTC is good, albiet uncomfortable sitting on the edge of a chair for so long. I can hang my first set at 22.5 but then back down to 15 for a few sets. The strain felt is pretty good. But the best seems to be straight out. I feel the pull behind the balls and up through mid shaft. And the soreness seems best with SO.

I find this curious only because I have a LOT of 9. I know BTC is supposed to give the quickest lig gains, but I’m feeling like I should go with the one that give the best sense of a good workout, which is SO.


It seems to me, and I could be wrong, that you’re equating the higher amount of weight to better results.

I’m also pretty sure that BTC is the way to go for you. Even if you have to drop the weight to 10lbs, until the gains stop from that position.

Read the thread called “hanging”. Many different questions are answered there.

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