Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

SO vs SD

SO vs SD

When I hang straight down on my chair I definitely feel the stretch on my ligs. Since I have a lot of about 7 I figure I should hang SO which I have been doing but I have noticed I dont feel a stretch. I am now hanging 12.5 lbs SO but dont feel as much of a stretch. Is this because its a different feel? Is it still working?

should be mr 7 inch updated girth 4 7/8 7.25 BPEL 4.75 girth Penis to Height Ratio: 1:8.96

5 1/8 girth 9/21/11

Personally, SO seems to have no effect on me. I hang SD mainly and some BTC. I do however sometimes finish out a SD set by taking the weight off and and pulling the hanger toward my chest with what seems like 25 lbs. of force. This does help because sometimes I can’t pull the hanger towards my chest with much more than 5 lbs. of force. This is very interesting to me and encouraging, I am getting the best of both worlds.


i agree with Alilce. SO seems to do a fine job of stretching but SD gives me the burn. I have only been hanging for 1 week but i am trying out many methods that i have been researchig and thinking of.


>Since I have a lot of about 7 I figure I should hang SO which I have been doing but I have noticed I dont feel a stretch. I am now hanging 12.5 lbs SO but dont feel as much of a stretch. Is this because its a different feel? Is it still working?<

The difference between SO and SD is 90 degrees. In the SD position, you are probably feeling a lot of lig stretch, which feels different from solely tunica stretch.

If your LOT is really 7:00 that good feeling lig stretch will probably not help you too much right now.

Now, the stretch you feel at the SO position may not be much right now, because you may not be at the amount of weight that will cause deformation. But as you work up in weight SO, you will eventually hit that magic number and feel the work.



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