I personally think it doesn’t matter. It takes so much tension and time to break through limiting factors. Over time the amount of tension and time will increase as more tissue heals stronger and limiting factors resist together. Some people avoid this by taking a decon break. However, some people lose some of their gains by taking the same break. I just think that a certain point people get such limited gains because now it will require such a huge amount of time and force.
I don’t think the order in which you do things will have an effect on overall gains. If you are hanging 50 pounds from your penis 30 hours a week, I really doubt that if you had manually stretched for 20 minutes a day for the first two years of your PE career that you will be reducing or increasing your maximum gains. Understand that I am saying this with the idea that you aren’t starting at 50 pounds. You built up to this depending on what your body is telling you. At 15 pounds you might have gotten the same gains that a manual stretcher achieved. Then when they quit manuals because of no more gains they don’t gain from hanging until they reach 17 pounds. They basically get to the same point as someone who just started with hanging. I am oversimplifying it but just trying to give a basic idea of what I am thinking.
However, if you start with a nuke like hanging first then you might not gain from extending or simple low force manual exercises. The tension might not be great enough to break through. For this reason I do think manuals is a good place for people to start. They can make gains at no financial cost and most importantly get a feel for what their body is telling them.
I am also saying that I don’t think it will effect maximum gains (if there is such a thing) but I do believe that depending on the person and the method that some training regimens are more efficient than others. In a sense it comes down to trading efficiency for personal risk/reward. The absolute quickest way to increase your penis size might scare the living hell out of most of us.