Thunder's Place

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Surely gains don't come from stretching ligs!

If girth gains are possible then surely tunica length gains are too?

Personally I completely disregard the ligs in PE. If it ever appears that they have relocated then it’s a side effect to what I’m doing.

I’m confused as to what Modesto said. Surely he is not saying there is no way to expand the tunica lengthwise, if this was the case I mayaswell give up hanging right now. Like Shiver said, if it’s possible to gain girth then why not length?


You are correct. It is possible to grow your tunica lengthwise as well as girthwise. I tend to talk about lig gains and tunica gains separately, but in reality they can both usually happen together.

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So let me get this straight..

You do not believe that some one can get erect length gains from stretching the ligaments, and can only do it from stretching the tunica?

How has bigger and so many others gained erect length (some of whom only hang BTC) from hanging BTC for lig stretch?

There are 2 ways a person can gain erect length by stretching (or cutting) the ligs:

1. By pushing down the base of the penis, i.e., the attachment point to the body. The outer penis becomes longer because more of what was previously inside extends outside. The shaft does not grow; the existing anatomy is merely rearranged.

2. By releasing a trapped inner penis, i.e., one which was previously never able to fully extend outside the body because it was pinned back by the ligaments. This is probably rare.

Hanging SD or BTC cannot isolate the ligs from the tunica—both are stretched to some degree. Some people even think BTC stretching can cause the fundiform ligament to act as a fulcrum, transferring stress over the fulcrum to the inner penis.

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We learn something every day! I thought that the fundiform ligament went through the penis, and now am wondering what is that flat piece of grisle in the center of my penis. Westla’s picture shows the fundiform as a sling holding up the base of the penis. Is there a specific way to target the fundiform for stretching?

By the way—I do think that lig stretch will get some gains, and quicker than tunica stretch. Bib said so and that’s good enough for me.

“If you want what Bib got, do what Bib did!”


I just posted the abstract of an article here, which says that the fundiform ligament actually passes around the penis without connecting to it.

If you have access to PubMed, you can order the paper and see a set of freshly dead fundiform and suspensory ligaments.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan
2. By releasing a trapped inner penis, I.e., one which was previously never able to fully extend outside the body because it was pinned back by the ligaments. This is probably rare.

How could one tell if their inner penis were trapped?

The elasticity of the suspensory tissue is being affected and it allows for more efficiency in your erectile circuitry. It is analogous to a child’s difficulty blowing up the fresh balloon, the infantile lungs cannot exert enough pressure to overcome the balloon’s resistance but after a few inflations and the subsequent breakdown of the rubber material the child can now overcome the fatigued rubber.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

I’ve always wondered about the terminal end of the ligaments in the penis. One end is attached to the pubic bone, but what about the end at the tip? Perhaps growth occurs at this end, rather then lengthening the main part of the ligs.

If I have a low Lot, like around 6, what stretching exercises would everyone recommend. I realize if I have a low Lot I should be stretching out and up so does this mean I am wasting my time hanging and need to focus on just those manual exercises?

2 posts. You’re a newbie, right? Then do the newbie routine. LOT matters not.

Stretch up, stretch down, stretch out. If something works, keep doing it. Low LOT does not mean low potential.

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Originally Posted by heineken

How could one tell if their inner penis were trapped?

One’s inner penis is probably trapped if one gets no tugback at any angle when kegeling—even 12:00. Here, the inner penis always has some slack during the LOT test.

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I think it’s mainly just cell regeneration. Check this out: — It’s a steroid, but sounds like it promotes tissue regeneration and cell growth. Think it would be helpful?

Probably not helpful. I’m pretty sure steriods are fairly useless for PE. There have been a number of threads on the subject. Try searching for more information.

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