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The importance of high weights and annoying fluid buildup that stays in my way

The importance of high weights and annoying fluid buildup that stays in my way

After a month off of hanging (but not of manual PE) I started yesterday with hanging again. Till the last month I usually hung SO with 15-17.5 lb. - 4-5 sets (10-12 min each – I am uncut, therefore have to be gentle on my foreskin). I always wondered why the fatigue came so seldom during this 15-17.5 # hanging. Today after reading a post by Lost Guitar, I decided to hang SO with 25 lb. and swinging the weights (I use a pulley system for hanging SO, that allows me to do that). The effect was amazing. After just 5 min the fatigue came.
It seems that weight is the more important factor for reaching fatigue than time. Swinging the weights has its contribution too; doing that every second or so my dick got additional stress so that the pull reached for a moment ca. 28-30 lb. I could literally see my penis stretched forwards additional 1/16-1/8 inches during the weight swung forwards. Saying that I want to warn every newbie off this ground!!! Ones penis has to be well conditioned and familiar with hanging to do that.

What borders me though is that I am not able to hang this way for more than 7-8 min. First because of fatigue of course, but mostly because of lymphatic fluid buildup in my foreskin; so much so that at the end of the set some fluid drops out of the urethra of my dick. I don’t know what to do to decrease the fluid buildup. If you say: “lower the weight”, then I have to go back to what I did for months without any gains. It is so good to finally see that hanging gives me the fatigue I looked for, but on the other hand it seems that my foreskin is about to spoil my hanging routine again.
Being a very hard length-gainer I desperately look for every possible way to defeat my tough tunica and septum.

Any advice wets?

Originally Posted by Juri
I decided to hang SO with 25 lb. and swinging the weights

Are you trying to rip your dick in half?

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Juri, I have had the exact same problem. When using the Bib Hanger, I found that the situation improved by loosening the bottom screws so that the bottom gap was larger than the top gap. The rubbery “fingers” on the top of the hanger should mesh together when you tighten the hanger.

I also tried towing the hanger out. It should be tigher near the base than near the glans. I think this adjustment applies pressure to the glans and frenulum region more gently than when towing in.

Another suggestion is to use one of Xenolith’s HTW’s. I haven’t tried this, but I’m eager to do so. The HTW applies a little compression over the length of the shaft and might help to prevent lymph buildup.

Of course, you might also try loosening the wrap. The tighter the wrap, the bigger the lymph problem.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
Juri, I have had the exact same problem. When using the Bib Hanger, I found that the situation improved by loosening the bottom screws so that the bottom gap was larger than the top gap. The rubbery “fingers” on the top of the hanger should mesh together when you tighten the hanger.

I also tried towing the hanger out. It should be tigher near the base than near the glans. I think this adjustment applies pressure to the glans and frenulum region more gently than when towing in.

Another suggestion is to use one of Xenolith’s HTW’s. I haven’t tried this, but I’m eager to do so. The HTW applies a little compression over the length of the shaft and might help to prevent lymph buildup.

Of course, you might also try loosening the wrap. The tighter the wrap, the bigger the lymph problem.

Thanks a lot ModestoMan!

I will try the adjustment of the Bib as you suggest and will see what will happen. Especially the one with the bottom screw seems to be a good advice, because I see that the fluid buildup is more behind the frenulum than in any other part.
RE: the wrap I try not to make it too tight, but when it is loose I cannot fit it in to the Bib-starter.

Could you explain to me what the Xenolith’s HTW’s is? I’m not sure I have ever heard of it, neither how to use it.

Originally Posted by Peter Dick

Are you trying to rip your dick in half?

You have every right to consider me crazy, but believe me I am not. Yes, 25 lb is a lot of weight, but my dick handles it pretty well. I have built it up to this weight for 9+ months of hanging, starting with 6 lb. You are right, if somebody decides to jump right into the 20 + lb. range he would damage his dick for sure. Once my dick gets into the constant fatigue (of the ligs/tunica) state I will drop the weight to 18-20 lb.

There are people on this forum that hung much bigger weights than me – SS4 wrote of starting with 30 lb. and then lowering the weight, Lost Guitar (if I am not mistaken) hung 36 lb. and the Great Bib got to the unbelievable 45 lb.

My goal is not to break any records in heavy hanging, but to grow.

Originally Posted by Juri

RE: the wrap I try not to make it too tight, but when it is loose I cannot fit it in to the Bib-starter.

Could you explain to me what the Xenolith’s HTW’s is? I’m not sure I have ever heard of it, neither how to use it.

How much wrap are you using? Couldn’t you fit into the Bib Starter simply by loosening the screws? Is it that tight? The wrap should be just tight enough to slightly indent the skin. More than than is inviting donut. Less than that is likely to cause pinching.

You can learn about the HTW here.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
How much wrap are you using? Couldn’t you fit into the Bib Starter simply by loosening the screws? Is it that tight? The wrap should be just tight enough to slightly indent the skin. More than than is inviting donut. Less than that is likely to cause pinching.

I’ve tried different lengths of theraband - from 15 - 22 inches. Currently I use 18 inches of theraband and about the same length of cotton (or sometimes I use a monkeybar wrap instead of the cotton).

Thanks for the link Modestoman!

I’ve got HTW’s on the website if you can’t find them. Look for Scunci’s

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Juri

I’ve tried different lengths of theraband - from 15 - 22 inches. Currently I use 18 inches of theraband and about the same length of cotton (or sometimes I use a monkeybar wrap instead of the cotton).

That’s a lot of wrap. I suggest you try an HTW and about half that much Theraband. See where that gets you.

Another trick for relieving donut, which Xenolith recently reminded me of, is to attach the hanger closer to the base.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Last edited by ModestoMan : 01-19-2006 at .

My favorite wrap for hanging is two HTWs. Being cut, I can’t know for sure, but it makes intuitive sense to me that the HTW would be particularly well suited for the uncut hanger given that it applies a relatively light compression and, more importantly, is very elastic, which I would think, would allow for expansion of the foreskin in front of the hanger without as much constriction as less elastic wraps*. Using two HTWs creates a shear couple surface between one’s skin surface and the surface of the hanger, thereby relieving one’s skin surface from having to serve as one of the surfaces** across which any shearing is accommodated.

* such as Theraband, which although very elastic, is not as elastic as HTWs at the stress levels and length scales relevant to tissue expansion during hanging.

** the other surface available for mobilizing shear in a single wrap (or possibly even in a composite, i.e. two different materials) wrap system is the hanger surface, but that surface is comprised of higher friction material than skin, so any shearing within the hanger/wrap/skin system will almost certainly be taken up at the skin surface… = ouch.

I do hope you’ll try the 2 HTW wrap system Juri. As far as I know, no uncut guys have reported in on their impressions of its utility in hanging. I’m very curious about that.

Good Luck.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

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