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The Vacuum Hanger Sleeve Thread

I placed an order for the liquid silicone (SHore 15A) and the Dragon Skin. I’ll see what I can come up with and let the forum know. It’s crazy the price of those sleeves from MB abd BTC.

I really hope somebody comes up with a solution. I want to V hang but I’m not paying that much for a hanger or sleeves. IMHO MB and others are trying to profit way too much on their V hangers. If they lowered their price they would sell alot more of them. I also think they’re losing money by not selling the sleeves separately and at a lower price.

I started making my own but just like others here I’m having trouble finding a good working sleeve. I’ve only been messing around with it a little bit but now since we’re all having trouble with it (meaning not much success). It’s time to up the priority and figure something out. I’ll let you all know if and when I get it.

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

Silicone compounds arrived today - will start mixing and casting some sleeves, hopefully by the weekend (have very busy job-related duties this week). I’ll keep the forum informed of any updates.

Hey want it, I do not think MB has overpriced his v hanger at all. I have one, and I bet it took a lot of research and money not forgetting the patent, to develop his creation especially the sleeves.

MB was even so kind as to send me an extra cylinder for my patience.

By all means make one yourself but I am glad I bought this hanger from MB, AND HE IS TRUE TO HIS WORD.

" I want Drilla's." she said. " So I will grow one just like it for you, my dear." I said!

Originally Posted by gonabbiger

Hey want it, I do not think MB has overpriced his v hanger at all. I have one, and I bet it took a lot of research and money not forgetting the patent, to develop his creation especially the sleeves.

MB was even so kind as to send me an extra cylinder for my patience.

By all means make one yourself but I am glad I bought this hanger from MB, AND HE IS TRUE TO HIS WORD.

Please do not advertise for hangers from anyone on this thread!!! This thread is for finding inexpensive and available parts only. Thank you.

I have tried many different things to make a sleeve. Bicycle inner tubes, latex gloves, balloons. Nothing has really worked. I agree that monkeybar’s prices are high compared to a distributor of rubber products, but remember that he is not a high volume operation, he probably doesn’t get any price breaks from whoever he buys them from.

Originally Posted by SmileyDog
Please do not advertise for hangers from anyone on this thread!!! This thread is for finding inexpensive and available parts only. Thank you.

Did not realise that I was advertising this hanger, just pointing out that MB is not ripping anyone off, and over pricing his products as was suggested in this thread.

" I want Drilla's." she said. " So I will grow one just like it for you, my dear." I said!

Having some success with my attempts to create more comfortable sleeves, usable for vac hangers, Bib Hangers, and any other activity requiring wrapping. I’ve test two homemade sleeves and have another sleeve curing at the moment that I plan on testing tonight.

BTW: Monkey Bar & BTC are great guys with top notch customer service and a high quality product. I don’t begrudge them for charging what they do - it’s worth every penny. Just trying to give the forum advisement on some options, but really my goal is to help make the BIB hanger more comfortable. I’m at a plateau with 17.5 lbs — can’t go any higher without some new type sleeve/wrap.

Sounds good, Howard. Thanks for putting forth the money and effort to experiment. I hadn’t thought of using them for non-vacuum hanging. Good idea. Also, with a closed end and the proper thickness they might be good for “condom pumping.”

Originally Posted by Howard
Having some success with my attempts to create more comfortable sleeves, usable for vac hangers, Bib Hangers, and any other activity requiring wrapping. I’ve test two homemade sleeves and have another sleeve curing at the moment that I plan on testing tonight.

Thank you for telling us about your results. Have you tried using the home made sleeves with a vacuum hanger to see if it works? It seems like you are closer to a solution than the rest of us.

P.S. I never said that M.B’s hanger was over priced. I just don’t believe in buying something I already have, just so I can buy his sleeves. If a producer of one of these vacuum hangers made their sleeves available to anyone I would probably be more willing to buy a new hanger from them when mine broke down. Besides all they are, are silicone sleeves, it shouldn’t be this hard to find them.

SD: I tried the sleeves with both the vac hanger and BIB - they seem to work pretty good but I need to refine the exact mix of compounds to come up with the right tensile/shear strength, cushioning, and memory of the compound. It’s getting closer but need to work on it a bit more. My job has kept me busy lately and keeping me from some focused time on the sleeves. If I can get to something I think might work for vac and bib users, I may solicit some alpha and beta testers to get some feedback form other PE enthusiasts.

How much would you say it costs to make a single sleeve? Or a batch of sleeves, which ever is the preferred method?

Any updates, Howard?

The hand job sleeve is the thing. They make hand-job pump things that you might even be able to modify. Although I don’t think the plastic is very thick. How are you guys making the hard plastic part? I’d also like to switch to one but am not up to fronting the money. I made my own stretcher for that reason.


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