Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Thick penis Hanging

Originally Posted by eow123
It’s not a cord. It’s called the dorsal thickening where both sides of the tunica meet in the middle between the CCs. Every single person has this.

Totally agree. But I think some people have it so much worse than others, Mine literally resists heavy heavy weight.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Totally agree. But I think some people have it so much worse than others, Mine literally resists heavy heavy weight.

I have had the same issue but found a quick work around.

I take a pill bottle *(a rather large one that holds about 10oz) and fill it with water then microwave it for ~30 seconds. I hold it against the shaft while hanging and the heat *(careful it can get very very hot) seems to relax the tissues and after a few mins seems to penetrate deep enough to effect the ligaments. *(Received lig pops 2 days in a row after heating)

I hope this helps.

Thanks, I like the idea and I’m going to try it, makes sense and seems easy to try

Oh my gosh. Thank you I will try that.

What is a lig pop and how do you notice it(them)?


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

When you hang always wrap the outside layer so that you leave a gap so that you Re able to touch your glans.

Why? This way it doesn’t matter where you are under 20m as long as you are able to feel it when you prod your glans with your finger then you have oxygen with blood all the way through the penis.

20 m is the guideline but BIG M is correct, it could happen much less, whenever I hang I always do 18m sets, what’s 2m when you could save your dick

A lig pop has been explained elsewhere here far better than I can tell it. But, my best explanation is ligaments get adhered to the bones *(anyone who lifts weights will tell you they have felt what at the time was like a “POP” with a tiny sputter of pain then miraculously GAINED size in that muscle shortly after).

Today I actually had another lig pop at the base of my penis when I warmed up and started my hanging routine *(thats a total of 4 I have experienced and I am thrilled that I have had some quick “newbie” gains in a very very short period of time) just a tiny sputter of pain then normal.

I am wanting to measure again but I am going to wait 2 more weeks. Since I started PE I have gained 3/4” BPEL and am at 6 5/8”BPEL with a goal of 8”.

Girth is not a issue for me as I am a solid 6.5” at the base and ~6 3/8ths mid shaft. I was discussing this with my wife last night and she said she was very happy with my gains so far and when the subject of more girth came up she said “just a bit, Don’t’ go crazy”. Lol. She also told me that she was extremely happy with the way mine was before I started and extremely happy with the way it is now.

Back to the hot bottle. I hold it pressed against the shaft while hanging and I must say by my visual gauge I get a much better stretch and much less retraction after the hanger is removed.

Best of luck to you gentlemen and best wishes from Miami FL.

Originally Posted by Oneseven
When you hang always wrap the outside layer so that you leave a gap so that you Re able to touch your glans.

Why? This way it doesn’t matter where you are under 20m as long as you are able to feel it when you prod your glans with your finger then you have oxygen with blood all the way through the penis.

20 m is the guideline but BIG M is correct, it could happen much less, whenever I hang I always do 18m sets, what’s 2m when you could save your dick

I have been using a vacuum hanger I built with instructions found here on this wonderful site. It is made of PVC and the fingers off a regular yellow rubber glove made for housework. A little electrical tape and a length of 550 cord *(parachute cord). It works wonderfully at weights up to 15lbs *(I haven’t tried heavier).

I use no wrap and have hung for upwards of 1 hour with no issues about blood flow and my glans has yet to get cold or change colors drastically. *(Maybe I’m just lucky) I will stick with vacuum hangers.

Originally Posted by wajiro
I have been using a vacuum hanger I built with instructions found here on this wonderful site.

Hey Wajiro would you care to point out the thread with those instructions in it. :)

I cannot over emphasize the need for the hole in the pvc cap part to release the vacuum. I made the mistake on the first one of forgetting the hole.

*(Dramatic pause)

It is not a mistake that will bear repeating. The first thread is the correct one and that hanger is awesome. As I said I was hanging 16lbs today with no issues. *(2- 2liter soda bottles of water. I like using the water bottles because I can adjust the weight easily. I.e. If it gets too heavy just pour a bit out and keep going)

Thanks Wajiro


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