Trying to make a comeback but im having problems.
About 9 months ago I hung consistently up to 6 20min sets 6 days on 1 off for about three months. I gained about ¼ of an inch, maybe a little more. Well since then I got busy and did PE intermitted, until I decided to completely stop and de-condition. This was about three months ago.
I have noticed that my ligs aren’t getting soar like they use to, and I feel like im not making progress like I use to. I have had to calm down my routine to 3 20min sets but im not getting fatigue even at 10lbs I try to move up to 12 but my skin isn’t ready for it yet so im in pain. I have to decrease weight because of my skin and I can’t feel any fatigue in my ligs as a result.
My hanging position might need critiquing so ill go over it here, I have a pulley under my desk that would line up for an SO position, but I lean back in my chair so im in-between an SO and SD possition. Do you think that’s a bad thing?