Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Trying to make a comeback but im having problems.

Trying to make a comeback but im having problems.

About 9 months ago I hung consistently up to 6 20min sets 6 days on 1 off for about three months. I gained about ¼ of an inch, maybe a little more. Well since then I got busy and did PE intermitted, until I decided to completely stop and de-condition. This was about three months ago.

I have noticed that my ligs aren’t getting soar like they use to, and I feel like im not making progress like I use to. I have had to calm down my routine to 3 20min sets but im not getting fatigue even at 10lbs I try to move up to 12 but my skin isn’t ready for it yet so im in pain. I have to decrease weight because of my skin and I can’t feel any fatigue in my ligs as a result.

My hanging position might need critiquing so ill go over it here, I have a pulley under my desk that would line up for an SO position, but I lean back in my chair so im in-between an SO and SD possition. Do you think that’s a bad thing?


Some guys report having to hit exact angles for multiple sets. I’m typically seesawing within sets, but importantly I’m using a fulcrum, both over and under the leg for SO.

If you can do ADS, then that’s another option which might very well be important for you to start gaining again, especially since you put in only 60 min of hanging during the day. My sweet spot for ADS seems to be in the 1-1,25kg range; at 800-900g, benefits of ADS picked up for me, while at 1,4kg gains stopped altogether. Start as low as maybe 600g and add in increments if needed. Monty sells weights if you prefer those rather than a hanger or other dedicated device.


Yea I already have montys weights, I cant use an ADS, I find it very difficult to concentrate on my school work while in a hanger or an ads.

Could you tell me more about your under and over the leg technique? I don’t fully understand it.

Originally Posted by Inoxia
About 9 months ago I hung consistently up to 6 20min sets 6 days on 1 off for about three months. I gained about ¼ of an inch, maybe a little more.

In my opinion this is WAY too much for that ¼”.

6 days on and 1 off? You beat the hell out of your ligaments and my guess is they have responded by getting really tough.

Originally Posted by Inoxia
Well since then I got busy and did PE intermittently, until I decided to completely stop and de-condition. This was about three months ago.

I have noticed that my ligs arent getting as sore as they used to, and I feel like I’m not making progress like I used to.

I have had to calm down my routine to 3 20min sets but I’m not getting fatigued even at 10lbs; I tried to move up to 12 but my skin isnt ready for it yet so I’m in pain. I have to decrease weight because of my skin and I cant feel any fatigue in my ligs as a result.

Dude. You were/are overloading.

The trouble is you got a gain so think what you were doing is right.

One day hang, two days ADS (Monty’s weights count as an ADS).

Heat. Heat. And more heat. 20 min warm - ups. And then heat all through your hanging sets.

Stick with 10 lbs. Maybe even lower the weight.

And read up on IPR Protocol.

Just because you don’t feel it like you did doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. Your problem isn’t the angle, it’s that your body has reacted to the intense stresses you’ve put on it and compensated.

Read up on IPR. Your gains may be slower initially, but you want to prime your body so you can get them consistently.

What kind of hanger do you use?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Inoxia
Yea I already have montys weights, I cant use an ADS, I find it very difficult to concentrate on my school work while in a hanger or an ads.

Could you tell me more about your under and over the leg technique? I don’t fully understand it.

How have you tried to deal with the concentration issue? Maybe setting a timer will help in that it allows you to forget about it? Personally, I never find ADS distracting in that it’s being uncomfortable in any way. And only when lying down tired do I set a timer; ADS is just sometihing I do and don’t think much about, not before not after and not while I’m doing it.

You can hang ADS as well, even while in bed/couch, watching a movie, etc.

Fulcrum over the leg is the ordinary thing ans just what it sounds like: Sitting down, fulcrum rod placed over the thighs, CS or CC sides of shaft draped over the fulcrum, either SD or SO with a pulley.

I do that with a hanger, but when 5 minutes get available unexpectedly, I unzip and grip the shaft (or just the glans for ADS weight) manually, using weights on a leather strap as “UTL” fulcrum:
leather strap.jpg

Otherwise, I do UTL fulcrum when scooting forward in the seat, placing the fulcrum rod under the thighs, hooking the hanger to the SO pulley, [top] shaft pressing the fulcrum to the thighs.

For a smooth transition, I also hang without fulcrum before switching to ADS.


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