Thunder's Place

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Tunica, SO and OTS Hang Questions


Hobby said:

>”Hanging itself stretches the arteries and veins, narrowing or closing them.”<

Tell me about it…every time I start hanging again sensitivity issues seem to arise with my dick-head (glans)….thoughts??

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Hey All you guys trying to figure out what to use for a “fulcrum rod”…

Drum Sticks!!! duh… I suggest marching drum sticks as they are larger diameter, will take the weight better, and not dig into your thighs.

>Tell me about it…every time I start hanging again sensitivity issues seem to arise with my dick-head (glans)….thoughts??<

It was April, 2002, when one morning out of the blue my dick was numb after hanging. It had been fine before. The weight wasn’t even as heavy as I had used in the past. Temp and color were ok during the set. Yet my dick felt like I was wearing a condom, actually more like two. Scary.

Sensitivity slowly improved. A week later it was back to maybe 80% of normal. I tried hanging again with lighter weight, and after only a few minutes my dick went numb again. Again it took about a week to improve. I quit hanging and switched to jelqing.

Over the next few months I’d occasionally try hanging a set with light weight, like 3 lbs. I tried the Starter, my homemade Bib and an AFB (and different wraps). Each time I lost sensitivity within a few minutes, and my dick took days to recover.

One day 3-4 months after the initial injury I tried hanging again using the Starter and my dick didn’t go numb. Woohoo! I gradually worked up the weight and sets with only a few minor sensitivity issues that cleared up with a few extra rest days. 2 months later I was hanging my previous weight with no trouble.

The best advice I can give is take time off from hanging until full feeling returns, then try hanging again using light weight for short sets. If sensitivity decreases you need more rest.

Limit sets to no more than 15 minutes, 10 is even better. When I resumed hanging I could do several shorter sets without trouble. Numbness began to set in around the 15 minute mark.

Avoid straining the nerves on top of your dick, especially behind the head. Attach far enough back so the hanger rides on a cushion of bunched tissue. Don’t let the head take the full load.

Don’t wrap any tighter than necessary. The wrap shouldn’t be cutting off circulation.

That’s about all the advice I can offer: loose wrap, good hanger placement, short sets and light/moderate weight. If all these are in order and you’re still going numb you haven’t recovered enough yet. Jelqing and squeezing didn’t seem to impair my recovery. YMMV.


I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to a good buddy of mine, and also a legend in the PE world as he has already gained over 3inches BP, about hanging etc. especially fulcrum hanging…I believe he is the creator or co-creator of the said style of hanging..

Anyways, he reccommended a thinner rod, and if you think about it it makes sense. You have a smaller area to focus on and also he said the larger the rod the more chances you have of possibly getting your dick pinched between the hanger and the rod.

I’m going to with about 3/8 inch diameter stainless steel rod.



I think you are right…20 mins might be too much for me…especially sinceI’m just starting back…Today, my unit is colder than normal, I’m going to lay off for a few. I think I became over-zealous again.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Ok so smaller concert sticks…

Thanks BBS, totally makes sense.

Attachment point

I’ve found that in tunica hanging I could hang MUCH more weight than with lig hanging, a jump from 17.5 lbs to 25 lbs, which is 7.5 lbs. The best trick I’ve learned is definitely to attach the hanger farther back. Right now I’ve moved .5 inches back closer to the base, but am still going to move it back another .25 to .5, due to some numbness issues. One of the most important things to remember when you do this though is that the closer you get to the base, the more skin stretch so you may need to tighten a little more.


Whoa…it’s my old budy OSL8….what’s up bro?


I was thinking this same thing since it seems the higher angles naturally put lots more stress on the glans. Moving back seems to make sense and make it a little safer. Thanks bro, I will definitately give it a whirl.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


for Tuninca hanging (Any higher angles in general) I think the health of your glans is very important.

1.) What do you think about moving a haf inch to an inch back (like OSL8 said)?

2.) I think theraband has a natural tendency to constrict more due to its thicker/tougher nature, what do you think about switching back to cotton sweatshirt material for my wrapping material?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


>1.) What do you think about moving a haf inch to an inch back (like OSL8 said)?<

I think that is great. One advantage to tunica work is that hanging or stretching at the upper angles the skin does not come into play nearly as much.

>2.) I think theraband has a natural tendency to constrict more due to its thicker/tougher nature, what do you think about switching back to cotton sweatshirt material for my wrapping material?<

With Theraband, or any wrapping material, it only matters how tight you wrap. You WANT your wrapping material to be as elastic as possble to that it gives when stress is applied. Having said that, a guy should try several different types of wrap in search of comfort.


BIB and felow PE’s,

I have found that Thera-Band “black” is optimal for me, it is the next thickness under the “Silver” which is the maximum (which I have also tried). It is thin enough to fit like a glove and integrate well with the BIB Hanger. I have tried various materials, this seem to work best for me.

Merlin “Alchemy of PE


Thanks for the input. I always used the black until Phat sent me some silver. I liked the silver better, but both were good.


Bib wrote:

>2.) I think theraband has a natural tendency to constrict more due to its thicker/tougher nature, what do you think about switching back to cotton sweatshirt material for my wrapping material?<

With Theraband, or any wrapping material, it only matters how tight you wrap. You WANT your wrapping material to be as elastic as possble to that it gives when stress is applied. Having said that, a guy should try several different types of wrap in search of comfort.

Lately I’ve been wrapping with only gray Thera - enough to go around about 3 times. I need more girth to utilize the adjustments in the Starter. Instead of winding on more wrap to build girth, I place folded up sweatshirt material on both sides of the hanger prior to attaching. The thread about using toilet paper for wrap was my inspiration.

This works very well. The short wrap of Thera provides enough gathering to not pinch skin when the hanger is closed, and it’s flexible enough to allow for good circulation. Having sweatshirt patches placed only on the sides eliminates the problem of an inflexible overwrap cutting off blood flow or bunching and getting caught in the hinge.

For those hanging SO, how have the gains been? I’m thinking of trying this. Same/better than tunica?

I think youre getting confused the Ron.
SO targets the tunica rather than the ligs.

I never gained anything hanging BTC or SD, but had reasonable gains with fulcrum SO.


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