Universal Gym for hanging?
Hi guys,
I’m still a newbie, but I’m thinking about long-term ideas for PE. I also tried searching for this topic, but didn’t have any luck finding information regarding universal gyms and PE. I bought a universal gym last year in the dollar want ads for $75. I’ve only been PE’ing since December 1, 2006 and have experimented, lightly, with golf weights. I’m in no rush to jump from my newbie regimen into something I’m not ready for, but I always try to think ahead and outside of the box. There’s a reason why we do the newbie routines. I honestly believe advanced techniques are for those who have stopped gaining from basic stretches and jelqs. Compared to weight lifting, PE seems similar in regard to progressive resistance based on the “overload principle”. In theory, free weights tend to produce better results in mass for some people, but that’s all relative to using proper technique. Muscles respond the same way to universal gyms as they do with free weights.
To gain mass lifting weights, we need to fatigue our muscles. To gain length in PE, it seems we do the same thing, especially from what I’ve read in the hanging forum on how members increase the weight they use to continue gains. I’ll know when I’ll be ready for advanced techniques when the newbie gains stop.
That leads me to this question. Has anyone tried using a universal gym instead of free weights? In theory, this would work and one could improvise on workouts by changing angles. For example, while doing “curls”, one could stand sideways and stretch to the right or left. On a triceps push down, the resistance would pull your penis upward for a stretch. Is this a viable idea?
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated!