Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

vacuhaner and sleeve for sale!

vacuhaner and sleeve for sale!

i’ve got a medium vacuhanger sleeve that i’ve never used. it was too small. i’ve recently had to buy an extra large because the large fit snugly and i’ve gained in girth ( yes! ) . it costs 30 bucks for a new cylinder and 5 bucks for a sleeve. i’ll sell this cylinder and throw in the applicable sleeve for 25 plus shipping and handling- which can’t be much. again, i have never used this cylinder. you can check the sizes on the autoextender site.

i’d love to get back a little of the cost of the new cylinder since i never got any use out of this one. if you mail autoextender and let them know you bought the cylinder and sleeve from me they should be willing to sell you new sleeves and stuff when you need them.

these things are great! not only can i hang for very long periods of time, hang more weight, and use it for all day stretching but it made me gain in girth. i can’t praise it enough .best PE money i ever spent.

send me a personal message if you are interested.thanks

i originally, accidentally posted this on the main member forum. ooops


I’ll do my best to capitalize in the future. I assume that was the issue? If not, let me know. I don’t want to offend

SOLD! Can anyone tell me how to delete this thread now?


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