Vacuum hanging with water in the bell
I thought I had read about vacuum hanging while using water to replace the air vacuum in the bell. It was some time ago. I recall the water doesn’t expand and contract as air does so it prevents the increased vacuum at the tip which has the potential to causes blisters. I tried searching for info on the forum, but I can’t seem to find hits that are appropriate among all the air vacuum hanging posts and threads. Any suggestions on a search phrase that would get appropriate results?
Does anyone have experience with this method of hanging? If so, could you describe your experience? What weight were you able to use? Were you able to continue with the method to achieve gains? Did you abandon the method? Why? Do you have any wisdom to share?
If a moderator would like to move this to a new thread in the Penis Hanging forum, that might be appropriate. I don’t have enough posts to start the thread there.