What are your personal "tips" on using Vacuum hangers to avoid tip irritatati
I have been experimenting for a while to avoid discomfort with my vacu-hanger, and am getting quite frustrated. There are three options I have been cycling through..
1. Vac-hanger used by itself, bare glans/tip
2. Vac-hanger with yellow contsriction sleeve.
3. Vac-hanger with constriction sleeve, and tip opening taped
4. Vac-hanger with glans just tape, no c-sleeve
Out of all of these, the tip always is moist when it comes out, leaving it swelled a bit. I’m pretty sure the moisture is coming from the urethra. Even when taped, the expansion, and moisture make the tape sorta slide.
I hand found that the constriction sleeves leave a little pocket of air, no matter how hard I smash the tip into it when I roll it on. The best description I can give, is when I take the c-sleeve off after a hanging session, the bottom half of the sleeve is sealed, yet just past my coronal ridge the whole glans become white/lymph, and the tip opening is stretched a bit, and wet.
I see lots of people using this, without anything at all. The second I do that, and add weight, I get a sharp pain on my tip and urethra “tube”.
Give me your tips people!