Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When you hang, where do you feel the stress at the most?

When you hang, where do you feel the stress at the most?

I hang mostly SO or SU. I also have hung SD. I started to explore my penis while I was hanging to see what part of it was taking most of the stress. What I found was that all the stress focused on the top part of my penis towards the pubic bone, and all the way up into the hanger. As felt down the sides and towards the bottom of my penis it was still soft, there was no stress there from being stretched at all. Feeling it, its hard to determine if this is the lig bundle, or if its my tunica. Its about a half inch wide, going from the base up into the hanger. If this is my ligs, it would seem to indicate that I may still have some inner penis to pull out, since I am not getting any stress on the rest of my penis yet. What do you guys think? And where do you feel the most stress at?

That sounds like your septum and you might also be wasting time trying to stretch that very tough tissue using SO. Try the RSDT or get all the gains you can from BTC and/or SD.

Once I get fatigue, which is very hard to do at all.. I get the soreness “btc”. It seems the two chambers on each side curve a bit, and separate to each butt cheek. It is connected to the bone down there is my guess.

Septum? Isn’t that just part of the tunica? How can you tell if its your ligs or not? I have gained about an 8th of an inch in a couple of weeks of hanging so far. So I am gaining. For now I think I will just stick to the “if it aint broke, dont fix it” idea, but I will change it up when the gains stop. I did a seach on what the septum is, and from what I see, it just looks like its part of the tunica. Am I wrong on this?

Lig stretch is easy to notice. It’s on the top side of the penis, and you will feel it on your pubic bone, where it attaches.

Originally Posted by kushextender
Lig stretch is easy to notice. It’s on the top side of the penis, and you will feel it on your pubic bone, where it attaches.

I am definately feeling it on the top side of my penis, but I cant really say Im feeling it where it attatches to my pubic bone. I will pay a little closer attention when I hang tomorrow.

Where do others feel the stress? Do the majority feel it on top like I do, or somewhere else?

When I hang btc I feel it mostly near the ligs, and top of my penis. Any other angle I feel it in my internal penis mostly.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"


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