Where should I feel the pull
Hey guys,
I just started to hang three days ago and here is my routine:
1) 10 minute warm-up with heating pad between each set
2) Wrap with theraband
3) Hang 5 pound plate straight down for 10 minutes
4) I do three or four sets a day like this.
What I am feeling is no real discomfort in the head and I’ve managed to get the settings on my Bib to were there is minimal if any swelling or discoloration in the head. But my worry is this. I am feeling a LOT of tug (pull) in the pubic fat pad area. This is a different feeling that say if I were to just grab the head of the penis and pull straight out. Doing that you can feel a real stretch on the penis itself. But when I hang, should I be feeling that much tug on the skin on the pubic area? It makes that skin VERY taught. The is a slight tingle there but no real pain. Am I doing this wrong?
FYI - I am a phalloplasty patient if that matters.
Thanks for any input anyone can provide.