Originally Posted by celestialhammer
I’m new to hanging. Been doing it for around a month now. I have this common sense to say, which I didn’t read anywhere in this thread explicitly and it is this: The gain in length will not happen all at once, say at the 8th month mark. If it happens at all, you should be able to notice an increase each month. Ideally, if measurements were very precise length gains should be seen daily after each hanging session. That all seems like common sense to me.I have a related question.
My note board has been hanging on the wall by a string for years now. I don’t think it’s increased much in length. The board isn’t heavy enough to stretch it I don’t think. Maybe there is a weight threshold for hanging that has to be surpassed before any hanging time is beneficial? Maybe it is 40 lbs for some people?
Also, I haven’t really read any facts for even a handful of guys that hung and got huge gains. I know about Bib and a few others only. If there are so many people trying PE and hanging, why are there not countless more posts of successes? Can someone make a 3 column list of member name, gain, and time required for the gain and post it for all of us to see testimonials? I’d really like to see that for motivation. As for myself, I hang because I’m desperate.
I’m thinking that one reason that you don’t hear about a lot of people having huge success is because I think that hanging my take years for good gains, and I think too many may end up quitting before going long enough to see the gains. I’m committing myself to 2 years to see what I get out of hanging. If I get nothing, than I get nothing, but it is not all for not. I guess if anything I learn that hanging doesn’t work for me. But time under tension sounds like eventually something has to happen.