Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Bib's LOT Theory holds water

Originally Posted by sheLovesIt

You are so all over the place that I would not waste one single key stroke on a disussion with you. EVER!!!!!!


Your choice. But you are wasting the chance to learn something.

Well you can pull out some of your inner penis but not all. If some inner penis had been held close to the body by the suspensitory ligs, you can reveal it by stretching it. However there is a section of inner penis bound to the pubic bone face by a matrix of short ligs like a stitching on a football. Your not going to bd able to stretch this.

Originally Posted by marinera
Your choice. But you are wasting the chance to learn something.

Please let me waste that chance.

I will add this. I am done donating to this forum until you marinera get control of how you treat members.

You said that I believe in ridiculous things. How is that moderating? In fact, I believe that you are breaking forum rules! Thunder should warn you and if you don’t start to control yourself then he should yank your ticket!!


SheLovesIt, I have no control of the forum and I am not even an active mod anymore. I’m not breaking any rule, but if you think I did, use the ‘report bad post’ button.

I’m expressing an opinion that differs from yours, backing up what I say with arguments and anatomy links. This is not your forum and if you don’t like me posting open your own forum.

You are getting aggressive toward people with a different opinion then yours, that’s all. Believing in wrong hypothesis is not going to help anyone and is going to aggravate the work of mods, confuse newbies, wasting the time of members. The LOT theory is dead not only here, but on any other serious PE forum, that I know.

Taken from forum rules:

The following activities will not be tolerated:

Aggression or annoyance towards any member whether in forums or private messages. Debate the idea, don’t attack the poster.

Calling what I believe in ridiculous fits this! And it is not the first time. And yes I will report you next time and every time.

I like ThundersPlace. You are making it hell for me!!


Calling ridicolous things ‘ridicolous’ is attacking the thing, not the poster. Anyway if you can’t stand that, I will not call ridicolous things ‘ridicolous’ anymore.

Do you have anything pertinent to the topic to say?

Please stop harassing me!!!

Originally Posted by mister007
Divide and conquer in a nutshell:

You can stretch different part of your penis with different angles. This requires less weight and its much easier than trying to stretch all at once. Sure, you can stretch all with BTC or SO but this usually requires huge amounts of weights when the time goes by. When you gain some experience with hanging, you can feel what is limiting your total length.

After hanging BTC / SD for months I keep noticing more of growth potencial in high angles, all this “lig” work is “paving the road” to easier gains when I will switch to OTS angle. I’m only at 11.25lbs though.

Originally Posted by Turnau
After hanging BTC / SD for months I keep noticing more of growth potencial in high angles, all this “lig” work is “paving the road” to easier gains when I will switch to OTS angle. I’m only at 11.25lbs though.

I am curious as to what noticable “growth potential” means to you, and what it looks like?

Can you be more specific?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by jack1015

I do not know much about the LOT theory other than what I have read on the post above, but my pro extender is used in the straight out and straight up position and I have stopped gaining. I am going to start doing 180 degree bundled stretches in the straight out and straight up directions in order to weaken the tunica, is this likely to make a difference?
If this does not make a difference I will think about trying to make my pro extender design about to be used for BTC or between the cheeks

Sorry I missed your post and sorry to hear that you have stopped gaining. It happens… I have stopped gaining several times. That is when we seek more knowledge from people who have busted plateaus before.

Good question about extenders. I have to say that this has crossed my mind before. I have used 2 extenders but mainly as stretchers not ADS. I would load them as much as I could tolerate in the SO position. No going public with them on. I would lay in bed with it stretched to the max and try to relax. I always got a nice stretch and a good soreness. So IMO, you can still gain this way. I could not get used to all day wear at a lower stress but I believe that increased time works just as well as increased weight.

You might try some heavy SO work in the AM and PM and a light ADS to stay extended in the time between.

Let’s say that you have a LOT of 10. This means that in the SO angle your ligs are engaged. For awhile you will stretch mainly your ligs with the extender straight out. At some point the tunica anchors will begin to engage more and add more resistance to the stretch. You may even notice that your LOT has dropped to 9 or so. This is when it would be benefitial to focus on either the ligs or the tunica but not both. Of course you can still gain in the SO position but it will take more weight and time.

I am sorry but I do not know what 180 degree bundled stretches. Most guys stretch the ligs before the tunica. The ligs are easier to stretch than the tunica. So this does suggest that you do something to stretch your ligs either SD or BTC. Preferably BTC.

If you do not want to hang then I am sure that someone has invented a stretch that targets the ligs without engaging the tunica.


Originally Posted by cantlook
I am curious as to what noticable “growth potential” means to you, and what it looks like?

Can you be more specific?

What it looks like? I will tell you when I switch hanging angles.
To me growth potential means a good/pleasant feeling when hanging at certain angle. I don’t want to open a can of worms here, but to me this is good indicator of hidden length gains. Do a rotating stretch (rotary cranks?) slowly and look for that sweet spot, if you find one then I believe its the direction/angle that should be chosen for hanging.

Originally Posted by King1990
I think that it really depends on your kegal strength. I have been kegaling since a very young age and I have no loss of tugback whatsoever-even pulling my unit passed my balls, and I gained well over an inch in no time.

Hey, I also have a pretty low LOT.

What type of hanging did you do to gain that one inch?

Thank you sheLovesit for this thread. I like to get both sides viewpoint on a topic before I make a decision. Are you still active, are you still making gains?

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6


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