WOW Just moved up the weight for the first time
The feeling was almost orgasmic. The stretch is sooooo good. I’ve been doing 2.5lbs for about 6 weeks now, just did my first set with 5lbs and it felt SOOOOO amazing. I can feel my base expanding and tunica stretching. I’ve gained a bit of base girth even with 2.5lbs, but I can tell it’s going to get even faster at this weight, which I’ll stay at for another 4-6 weeks. It’s just such a rush feeling my already long cock stretching even further. PE until now has gotten me from above-average to big, and I’m starting to believe keeping up this stretching routine will take me from big to huge. If I keep up my current rate of increases I’ll be up to 25 lbs a year from now, and I really think I can get an inch by then, which would be about 9 bpel. So excited. The other positive is that my erection angle has gotten higher (It now points upward), and my girlfriend now comes easier because since starting my stretching routine I can nudge her cul-de-sac so easily, which used to only happen once in a while. Now it’s effortless.