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Wrapping during and after pumping

Wrapping during and after pumping

I am developing this new routine of wrapping before pumping in order to avoid foreskin swelling and promote glans increase. After, I make a new wrap in order to avoid shrinking and keep it on for hours. It makes the effects of pumping last much longer and I hope in the long term it will aid permanent growth. I have noticed increased foreskin regrowth.

The important thing is to maintain a decent circulation.

Any ideas or comments?

Buby - sounds good. Exactly what kind of wrapping are you using and describing the process you are using would be helpful. I’m also a pumper and might want to try it out.

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Pumper for a while got to the square dick 7X7 , hanging now 7-2010

Before pumping I use the same regular wrap I use for hanging with a 2” elastic band, but lighter and leaving the glans (not the foreskin) uncovered. Afterwards, I wrap with an elastic band while pulling the glans and its foreskin and wrap down to the pubic bone in order to fix the whole stuff as long as possible.

Today, I also added a light weight (one pound) over the wrap and it was very comfortable and decently hidden ubder my trousers.

I hope it works


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