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All Night Pump Device


Sleep + PE=trouble

Interesting, device is from germany, so just found a german site with 204 pages about it, google translate helps understand what it does.

The inner condom breaks frequently and it’s an expensive part to replace

Originally Posted by UM1991
Sleep + PE=trouble

Sleeping and PE,,,,,,,Done it for years with no problem. It’s just that some people because they have cars that go 100 mph they think they must go at that speed.
Overnight pumping is no different. Go slowly. Ask anyone involved in horticulture, and they will tell you, if you bend a branch to a certain position for 10 minutes and let it go it will return to near the original position.
However if you keep that branch in that stretched position while it is growing, it will grow in that position.
Look at the history of Jap foot binding,,, African women that have long necks, and ancient Egyptians that did head binding.
None of the practises that were used to change the body shape were done for 10 minutes a day.

Originally Posted by myeight
Sleeping and PE,,,,,,,Done it for years with no problem. It’s just that some people because they have cars that go 100 mph they think they must go at that speed.
Overnight pumping is no different. Go slowly. Ask anyone involved in horticulture, and they will tell you, if you bend a branch to a certain position for 10 minutes and let it go it will return to near the original position.
However if you keep that branch in that stretched position while it is growing, it will grow in that position.
Look at the history of Jap foot binding,,, African women that have long necks, and ancient Egyptians that did head binding.
None of the practises that were used to change the body shape were done for 10 minutes a day.

I’m very interested in the concept of PE while sleeping. I am sure there are ways it can be done safely and your post is an inspiration.

How do you PE when you sleep? vacuum?

I am leaning towards traction wrapping.

The DP 4000 Digi Pump seems to be the highest quality state-of-the-art programmable pump on the market. However, it costs about $460 as compared to about $250 for the Vitallus Plus. Zdnili mentioned that the Vitallus tends to quickly wear through an expensive inner condom. I also read on another forum that unlike the DP 4000, you can not program in pulse pumping and that they do not ship to the US. I guess the old saying, “You get what you pay for” holds true in this case.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

PE shouldn’t be done while sleeping.

As a point of interest, long necked African women do not actually stretch their necks (it’s hard to stretch bone), but rather push down their clavicles which makes the neck appear longer..

Also, you can perform low stress PE exercises while sleeping such as wearing an ADS or performing bed fowfers for example.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by marinera

PE shouldn’t be done while sleeping.

Why not?

This thing’s horribly overpriced for what it is, 189 euro !

The pump just looks like a cheap aquarium pump, the programmable power socket you can pick up on ebay for £7.00, oh and some plastic tubing .

The only thing that’s not of the shelf is the tube itself and presumably the inner condom which you have to keep replacing, jeez

Originally Posted by DGA2010
Why not?

First, because it is dangerous - except for fowfers and things like that, which I don’t really considere ‘PE’. Second, because while sleeping you have night woods; those are very important for the health of your penis, so nothing should interfere with them.

Originally Posted by marinera

First, because it is dangerous - except for fowfers and things like that, which I don’t really considere ‘PE’. Second, because while sleeping you have night woods; those are very important for the health of your penis, so nothing should interfere with them.

I was thinking more along the lines of traction wrapping with like an ACE bandage.

Traction wrapping is generally ok, unles you wrap too tight. I wear a vacADS 4 or 5 hours a night without any problems. I use it in a fowfer position.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942

Traction wrapping is generally ok, unles you wrap too tight. I wear a vacADS 4 or 5 hours a night without any problems. I use it in a fowfer position.

Awesome! So there are safe and effective ways to PE while sleeping. I think marinera’s partially right in that clamping while sleeping might be a problem. However, I am sure there are plenty of safe things one can do while sleeping to utilize all that “down” time as well.

There are guys who have to learn the hard way.

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