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Are heating pads dangerous?

Are heating pads dangerous?

In my search for a new low cost cylinder/tube oniline I came across a little article at and am wondering if anything this guys says about heating pads or electric blankets is true towards causing cancer/leukemia.He brings up heating pads and electric blankets but then it appears that he is just talking about the blankets.I sure hope he is wrong since I have used a heating pad around my cylinder when pumping for quit some time. Here’s a copy of the paragraph (Some guys are using electric heating pads or blankets to keep their tube warm. As for the electric blanket, I would recommend using hot water instead. Electric blankets give off EMF’s which are harmful electro magnetic frequencies, I can send you some research in this area if you like, but essentially it is hazardous to your health and similar to the leukemia cancer, etc., that people who live under high tension power lines get. What good is a huge dick if you have testicular cancer, right? I don’t mean to bum you out but hey we have to be smart, and share the good points as well as the bad)

Heating pad wrapped around the tube !?!?!

Nice thinking man!

Looks like I’m getting a heating pad then….another one ;)

If you are paranoid, stop using it. I will continue myself. There is no documented proof that shows a link between the two.

I’m with gprent on this one. The evidence is flimsy. FWIW, people are exposed to EMF all the time… from the sun. (And charged particles from the solar stream.)

If you’re concerned about cancer, demand that clean water and air laws be strictly enforced so that cancerous toxins aren’t allowed into the environment. We know those are dangerous.

That’s nonsense. It’s just another scare story like mobile phones that “boil your brains” etc.

However if you’re worried, use a rice sack. Just stick it on the microwave to warm up. (It won’t come out radioactive ;P)

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