As of now I just pump and milk the penis
As of now I just pump and milk the penis. might stretch but I quit hand stretching because was told my gains was not because of hand stretching.
I would like to try weights but I always want to keep it safe. If I pump and hang what is a good weight to hang with. I tried 10 LB pounds but didn’t feel too safe. I was told that less weight will not work. I would like to add weight to my pumping cessions but if it takes 10 LB pounds I think I will stick to just pumping. If I can get by with 5 pounds I would try that along with my pumping to gain maximum lengthening to my penis.
Is 5 LB pounds good or do I need to go to at least 7 LB Pounds?
Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.