bad EQ when pumping with heat?
I restarted pumping about a year and a half ago. I had fairly severe ED. Over time, with PE and TRT, that got better.
I had purchased an electric heating pad when I got the tube, but didn’t actually use it until late last year, and only occasionally at that. It seemed to help with expansion in the tube, but it was sort of a hassle to use it.
After a two-week decon I resumed pumping, and things were going well. EQ was outstanding. A few days ago I started using the heating pad regularly… and EQ went into the dumpster. Morning wood and night wood vanished completely.
Nothing else - diet, time spent PEing, pump time/vacuum, home circumstances, meds, supplements, health - changed, and the loss of EQ was noticeable the first time I used the heating pad. Back when I was using it before I still had ED, so if it was happening then, it wasn’t really apparent.
For lack of anything else, I’m going to point the accusing finger at the heating pad.
My question is, “has anyone else noticed a reduction in EQ when using a heating pad?”