Originally Posted by mikey1978
As above x40 for sale. In U.K. But can ship anywhere. I just couldn’t get on with it and it’s been in the cupboard for over a year. £40 plus the trip. Comes with bag, manual and shower strap. Always cleaned and talc to stop rubber perishing
I also have an X40 that was used six times for less than a minute. I’ve had it almost a month and it’s just too wide for my body, which causes a loss of suction so I will stick my Hercules unit, which has served me well I’d be willing to sell it cheap.. Just make a reasonable offer. It looks brand new.
I”m in the States and would ship for free if within the States. I figure, if no one wants it, I will just leave it on the shelf. BTW, I would take payment via PayPal.