Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can gain be achieved at low pressure?

Can gain be achieved at low pressure?

I’m getting mild donut at 6-6.5 in / Hg. So I’m lowering the pressure to 4.5-5 in / Hg. However, I don’t feel the pump is doing much at that level. Can gain be achieved at such low pressure?

You don’t say how long your pumping sessions go for and time at pressure has everything to do with the results you see. Without knowing what it is you do now, I will still say that pumping at 4.5-5 in hg for 30 minutes should bring you very good results. I would also recommend wrapping the cylinder in an electric heat pad while pumping for optimum results.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Hey guys,

I’ve been pumping now (again) for 2 weeks using only 4- 4.5” pressure for 30 minute sets p/d. I do 2 pump sets of 15 mins each with jelking in between. What’s really helped me is doing a ten minute, rather slow intense Jelk session first, then enter the tube and also use a warm rice pack during pumping sets.

Here’s something you might want to give a try. Toward the end of my first and/or second pump sessions, I lower the Hg from say 4.5” down to 3” Hg and then slowly Milk the tube up and down my member. This kinda excites my unit and also restores some blood circulation. I do this for 2- 3 mins then, take the Hg back up to around 4.5”-5” and hold till times up.

As gprent101 said, you can definately get gains at lower hg range. Just do it in sets of 15- 20 mins. To get bigger, do more sets. The donut is most likely coming from the higher pressure. Take it slow and steady, you’ll see results!

Just wondering if you go for straight 30 min sets or break up your sets? I intend to increase set times after 1 month (40- 45 mins p/d). I remember you saying you’ve been at it around 2 yrs. Have you found any benifit from going for longer sessions vs shorter sets?


Originally posted by gprent101
You don't say how long your pumping sessions go for and time at pressure has everything to do with the results you see. Without knowing what it is you do now, I will still say that pumping at 4.5-5 in hg for 30 minutes should bring you very good results. I would also recommend wrapping the cylinder in an electric heat pad while pumping for optimum results.

I’m doing 10-15 mins x 2 per session. Jelqing after pumping seems to magnify the donut effect. I have a lot of lymph build up near the underside of my glans but it goes away after a few hours. Any thoughts?

Lymphatic fluid buildup often indicates that there is less of a blood workout going on. During sex, lymphatic fluid buildup doesn’t occur and, fact is, most of us are going for gains that show during sex or masturbation.

If you don’t mind a doughnut happening, that is left up to you. But keep in mind that every time you do something to create one, the tissues in that area become weaker and the liklihood of a doughnut happening again increases.

Some guys like them. I prefer getting as close to a pure blood workout as I can, but that’s me.



Yes the penis is made to expand with blood not lymphatic fluid!!!!

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

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